Eli Lilly's Strattera - 130 reports of suicidality in one month
Press Release February 16, 2006
A not released discussion paper from the British medical agency (MHRA) reveals 130 reports of suicidality in one month from treatment with Strattera. In addition the paper tells about 766 spontaneous reports of cardiac disorders and 172 of liver injury, and about 20 completed suicides.

/24-7PressRelease/ - SWEDEN, February 16, 2006 - Strattera is a failed antidepressant, which Eli Lilly didn't succeed to get approved. It was recycled and used as an "ADHD medication", and marketed as the first "non stimulant medication for ADHD". As many parents, despite all published lies about the "benefits" of stimulants like Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall, don't want to give dangerous narcotic drugs to their kids, Lilly saw the chance to get a good market share for Strattera.

But miracle drugs can fast turn into disasters - as proven through the whole psychiatric history.

In April 2005 the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) issued warnings that Strattera could give " hostility and emotional lability" in children and in September 2005 a Black Box Warning for suicide risk was issued for Strattera.

When the truth about the actual risks was revealed, spontaneous reports also started to come in: In one month (23 September 2005 - 25 October 2005) 130 cases of suicidal and self-injurious behaviour were reported! This should be compared to the 301 cases reported in the period November 2002 - September 2005 - in 3 years. This means that 30 percent of all reports of suicidality were received in one month!

This information is revealed in a not released discussion paper from 9 December 2005, written by the British MHRA and sent to the Swedish MPA. The information is gotten as a result of FOIA-requests, and released by court order.

The main part of the information is classified - as suicide risk and other serious harmful effects of psychiatric drugs still are seen as "trade secrets" by the medical authorities. But the 130 new cases are now publicly known and can never be hidden again!

In addition to the suicides and suicide attempts reported, the paper from the MHRA also tells about 766 spontaneous reports of cardiac disorders and 172 reports of liver injury.

All information about the harmful effects of this psychiatric drug should now be made public by the medical authorities and an impartial evaluation of the data should be done. Psychiatrist should no longer be allowed to prescribe poisonous drugs to normal children; children who do not have any objective abnormality but whose behaviour are deemed inappropriate.

Janne Larsson
writer from Sweden - investigating psychiatry

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