24-7 Press Release Newswire is a company that was established in 2004 specializing in press release distribution services, sending news to various media points. As a company that’s been in the news distribution industry for nearly 15 years, we feel we know a few things about the business and industry.
Some of our articles are inspired by our clients that have questions about our press release service or the industry in general. Our feeling here is that if one person has made the effort to inquire – there are probably 100 people that would like to know, however, could not be bothered to call us.
Let’s get right to the details.
What time is the best time for a press release to be distributed?
24-7 Press Release Newswire, have personally found that the best time for our news to reach the media (your press release to be released) is 3:01 am eastern time. Our thoughts on this are your news does not conflict with 9 am financial news, yet is late enough to show up just prior to the financial news. We have had some people inquire if this time is adjustable. The only time this is adjustable is when a customer selects our Mass Media Visibility package. Because of our partnership with PR Newswire, we can request the PR Newswire piece to be distributed at the requested time. The 24-7 Press Release Newswire component will still be released at our regular time.
Where can I get a list of journalists?
A frequent (and fair) question that some customers ask is if we can send them the list of journalists that we sent our news to? 24-7 Press Release Newswire does not supply lists of journalists that your news was sent to. 24-7 Press Release Newswire has attracted thousands of journalists over the years to receive our news which is a significant part of our business. If we provided our lists to our customers, we wouldn’t be in business for very long.
Holidays are quickly approaching, how can I take advantage of this?
A few years back (November 13, 2015), we had put together some tips and information on how to capitalize on the holidays with them rapidly approaching. Much of this information is still completely relevant and worth a review. The information may be found at "With the Holidays Quickly Approaching, We Have Assembled a Few Press Marketing Tips to Help Increase Your Exposure". This segway’s into our next point.
Are the holidays a good time for press release distribution?
24-7 Press Release Newswire has been asked this question many, many a time. We do not have a right answer for this and we call it a 50/50. Here is why. As mentioned in a previous piece we wrote from December 8, 2014, titled "24-7 Press Release Newswire - Press Release Distribution During the Holidays: Why This is a Prime Time for Distributing a Press Release, plus some Do's and Don'ts" ( https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/article/16/247-press-release-newswire-press-release-distribution-during-the-holidays-why-this-is-a-prime-time-for-distributing-a-press-release-plus-some-dos-and-donts) picking a time to distribute a press release can be strategic. For larger established businesses, timing may not be quite as significant simply because they are established. Smaller businesses may have a more difficult time earning a media spot. We have found that in the summer months (many people are away on family vacation) and shortly after Thanksgiving, the news industry can certainly be quieter. The argument is whether this is a good time to distribute a press release or not. There are two schools of thought on this with the first believing that because it is quieter, there will not be as many journalists/bloggers looking or interested in stories. The second school of thought is that because it is quiet, it would give a better chance of their story standing out. We have personally heard of some successes with the latter, more information may be found in our article previously mentioned.
Can I just write anything for my press release? How do I write a press release?
Because this piece is a recap we will be brief in our response, however, will include the source link to a significantly more in-depth article to further what we answer here.
In order for a press release to be successful, it must carry a particular tone and style. If this is something that you have never done before, you may want to consider hiring a writer, or at the very least, after writing it, have it reviewed by a professional that can provide some constructive insight.
It starts with the headline, which is vital to the rest of your story being read or passed up for the next piece of news. You need to grab the attention of the journalist/reader and draw them in to want more – but also keeping things realistic. Journalists do not like being baited and will quickly pass on future news pieces if they feel they have been baited into information that is hyped and not what you claimed. Don’t forget to include your dateline location, answer the five w’s, include a quote from someone within the business and finish with your boiler-plate information. Your piece should also be short, to the point and not include any techy jargon – this will turn off a journalist very quickly, even if they are in your industry. Keep it simple. For a full breakdown and information, check out this article “Press Release Elements and Style, and How They Help You Accomplish Your Brand Communication Goals: Tips from 24-7 Press Release Newswire"
How do categories for my press release work?
Part of the press release submission process at 24-7 Press Release Newswire is the selection of industry categories. Ensuring that you select categories that are truly relative to your industry will give you a better chance of a journalist picking up your story. Although our editorial reviews the categories you have selected, we recommend erring on the side of caution and be conservative. Rule of thumb: If you feel it is a stretch to select a particular category, it probably is – don’t select it. Our editorial team will select further categories if they feel a fit. At 24-7 Press Release Newswire, we have journalists that are tied to your categories to receive information based on the categories you have selected. We also have journalists in our Media Desk that subscribe to certain categories to be notified of stories when categories are selected. Further, 24-7 Press Release Newswire supplies other websites with dynamic news content. This means that an automotive related website may want to display automotive news to their customers. They may pull our automotive feeds which will then display your news (if automotive has been selected) on their website. We would not display, or make accessible, automotive news to a journalist in the arts & entertainment industry – we would lose credibility pretty quick.
I just distributed a press release through another business, should I resend it again through yours?
This is a big no. This is a bad idea that will not get you results you are looking for because of two reasons. From a journalistic standpoint, it is an excellent way to have your company looked at under unfavorable light. If it didn’t work the first time, burn it down and re-write it with a different news angle. The other fact is that search engines do not like duplicate content. We recently had a client that submitted a press release to be released on a Monday through another company then submitted the exact same press release through us on Thursday and could not figure out why it was hardly picked up anywhere. The reason is simple – search engines heavily frown upon duplicate content.
Are there steps to take after sending a press release?
If you have never used a press release service in the past and this is your first time, you will want to get used to the process swiftly. This is because incorporating a press release within your marketing arsenal should be an ongoing effort. Think of it as a part of your branding strategy, an effort that should be ongoing when you have news that is of value to share. It does not end there; you have a world of social media to share your press release with as well. For more information on tips after your press release has gone live, take a look at “24-7 Press Release Newswire Recommends Steps to Take After Distribution of Your Press Release”. Once you have sent a few press releases out, it will become almost second nature and you will know what the steps are and what to expect.
These are just a few of the many industry questions we receive on a semi-regular basis. Hopefully, we have been able to address the questions by pointing you to further information via our articles and knowledge base. For more information about press release writing, tips and information we welcome you to peruse our knowledge base.