Editorial & Content Guidelines

The editorial staff at 24-7 Press Release Newswire review all press releases before they are distributed to ensure that content is newsworthy, accurate and in an acceptable press release format.

If your press release is not accepted or if there is a problem with your story, our editorial staff will contact you by email or telephone.

Voice Verification

If you have selected the Mass Media Visibility plan, please provide a direct phone number at which we can reach you during business and after hours. We may call you on a case-by-case basis to confirm your story.

Newsworthy Content

A newsworthy press release may focus on timely information such as a product launch, business expansion, organizational milestone, or expert opinion on a current event. The headline should clearly convey the news announcement.

Grammar and Spelling

Submissions of press releases should be free of spelling and grammatical errors, and must be written entirely in English. It is your responsibility to ensure that your content is error-free.

Word Count

The only package with a word limit is our Mass Media Visibility plan. The word limit is 375 words, including your headline, subheading, press release body, and boilerplate. For any additional words beyond 375, there is a surcharge of $99 per 100 words.

Legal Cases

All legal cases must be accompanied by a docket and case number that has been officially stamped. In order to proceed, we will need a confidential copy of the relevant documentation.

Written Authorization

When mentioning another company in your press release, particularly in the headline, it is imperative that you obtain permission to do so. This authorization must be granted by an individual within the company being referenced who possesses the authority to provide consent. Depending on the circumstances, we may request written authorization directly from an executive at the other company before approving the press release for distribution. Independent representatives of network marketing or MLM companies must always seek explicit consent from the company's executive.


It is advised that the headline be written in capitalized case format, where the first letter of each major word is capitalized. For conjunctions, prepositions, and smaller words, lowercase should be used. The phrase “For Immediate Release” should be omitted from the press release, and including your company name in the headline is recommended for proper attribution.


The subhead, also known as the summary, should be written in sentence case. Journalists and editors often read the headline and subhead before deciding to read further into your release, so it is important to compose this field thoughtfully.

Dateline Location

Please select the city, state, and country from which your release originates for the dateline. If your preferred city is not available, choose "Other" and enter the city name in the designated field. While the dateline location does not impact distribution, journalists use it for searching purposes.

Press Release Body

It is recommended to keep your press releases concise and focused. Brief press releases have shown to be more effective than lengthy ones. Avoid including the phrase "For Immediate Release" and consider adding any additional Media Contact information at the end of your release.

Boilerplate/Closing Details

The closing details section of your press release is optional, but it is typically where a boilerplate or "About us" section would be included. If you have already provided company information in the body of the release, leave this section blank to avoid duplication.

Contact Information

Your press releases must include valid contact information, such as a contact name, company name, phone number, and email address. If you prefer not to display your phone number publicly, please indicate this by including N/A in that field.

Formatting Guidelines

Please refrain from using HTML tags and other formatting elements like non-standard characters or tables in your press release. Our system has specific formatting codes that can be utilized in the body and boilerplate sections only. These codes allow for text enhancements such as bold, underline, italics, and links.


Prior to submitting your press release, please ensure that all included links are functioning properly. We adhere to Google's Webmaster Guidelines, only using "no-follow" links. It is recommended to have no more than one link per 100 words as a general practice.


Depending on your selected distribution plan, you may have the opportunity to upload images, attachments, and videos to accompany your press release. Please be aware that these multimedia features will only be visible on our website. The feature image you designate will be the sole multimedia element sent to our network of news partners.

Press Release Revision Policy

Changes to your press release can be made until 9pm Pacific Time the day before the scheduled distribution. Any modifications made after this deadline will be reviewed the following morning, causing a delay in distribution. Post-distribution, only the version displayed on the 24-7 Press Release Newswire website can be altered. For those with a Mass Media Visibility plan, revisions must be submitted by 9pm Pacific Time the day before distribution to allow for changes with PR Newswire.

Press Release Retraction

Once a press release is published, altering the story on news sites can be difficult. However, if retraction is needed, there is a formal procedure in place. The cost to retract a story is $50 USD, with the process taking up to one week for completion. Full removal from all platforms cannot be guaranteed. Unfortunately, retractions are not available with the Mass Media Visibility Plan.

Refund Policy

If a press release is not accepted or canceled before distribution, a full refund will be issued. Once distributed, no refunds will be available. Refunds will not be given for press releases containing fraudulent, deceptive or misleading information.


24-7 Press Release Does NOT Distribute:

Accusatory Content

We do not accept press releases that make accusations against an individual, company, product, or service unless they are supported by a legal court filing with a judgment summary and accompanying documentation.

Public Traded Companies

Press releases for publicly traded companies are not accepted under the Mass Media Visibility plan, but they are allowed under other distribution plans. Additional supporting documentation may be requested.


We do not accept press releases recommending or speculating on stocks or cryptocurrencies.


We do not accept press releases that promote or link to online gambling, sports betting, or related activities.


Press releases from online pharmacies or websites selling drugs or prescriptions without requiring a doctor’s prescription will not be accepted.


We do not accept press releases that are purely sales pitches. Ensure there is a newsworthy angle in your release. For example, 'ABC Company Announces Its Black Friday Sale with 40% Savings' is acceptable.

Adult/Explicit Content

We do not accept content related to sexually explicit products or materials. Press releases must be free of references or links to profane language, illegal content, or sexual material. Any websites restricted to individuals 18 years or older, such as those involving pornography, adult dating, or platforms like OnlyFans, are considered explicit and are not allowed.

e-liquid/ Vapor

We do not publish releases that promote or link to e-liquids, e-cigarettes, or vaping products.

Pay Day Loans

We do not publish releases that promote short-term or unsecured loan services, or that link to payday lending.

Weight Loss Products

We do not accept any weight loss products or ingredients that may be hazardous or unsafe.

Sexual Enhancement Products

We do not accept content related to sexual enhancement products or services.


Political rhetoric is not permitted. Content should neither promote nor condemn an opinion, nor should it attack any political party.

Intent To Harm/Negative Press

We do not accept content aimed at harming or defaming individuals or groups. This includes content that criticizes any person, website, product, or brand.

Spam, Hacking & Malware

We do not accept content related to spam, hacking, malware, or any associated elements. This includes any press releases promoting or linking to malicious activities, tools, or software that could compromise security or violate ethical standards. Our platform is dedicated to maintaining a safe and trustworthy environment, and such content is strictly prohibited.

Opinion/Open Letters

Opinion pieces and open letters are not permitted, as they typically lack attribution and news value.


Feature stories, news articles, editorials, opinion pieces, and images from other publications or websites, if copyrighted, do not qualify as press releases.


The editorial team at 24-7 Press Release carefully reviews all press releases before distribution. Our editors have the final decision on whether the content meets our standards for inclusion on the 24-7 network.


One of our publishing networks Frankly Media imposes specific restrictions on certain types of content, which may render your story ineligible for publication on their platform and affect the link count in your Distribution Report.

Cannabis Content Limitations

Frankly Media prohibits content related to marijuana, THC or derivatives, recreational use, dispensaries, or research on substances such as Delta-8 and Delta-9. However, content on hemp, CBD, cannabinoids, and cannabidiol remains unaffected by these restrictions.

Kratom Exclusion

Content featuring kratom or kratom-related products is not permitted on this platform.

Politics Guidelines

Frankly Media does not allow content that criticizes any political party.

Religious Content Regulations

Promotional or condemnatory content related to religion is not permitted. Religious content discussing book releases is acceptable, but it should not be dogmatic in nature.

Restrictions on Weapons Content

Content on weapons or guns is restricted to market reports only. Graphic details about hunting equipment are not allowed, although content on hunting equipment is permissible as long as it does not promote weapons.

Cosmetic Surgery Promotion Limitations

Promotional content on body modification procedures such as liposuction, botox, breast augmentation, and hair transplants is not permitted on this platform.