All Press Releases for November 17, 2009

Were the Beatles the Greatest Musicians or the Greatest Hypnotists of All Times?

New book on songwriting explains how we are being hypnotized by the music we love and listen to everyday, without even being aware of it.

    HOLLYWOOD, CA, November 17, 2009 /24-7PressRelease/ -- After 15 years of research, combining psychology, neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis, and analyzing literally thousands of musical hits, Jonathan Dresden wrote a book in which he claims to have discovered the patterns that all the great music number ones share in common.

Very few people can explain musical talent, some say that it is innate and others say that it can be learn, but when it comes down to explaining creativity, there is a lot of controversy. Is it possible that our musical Idols knew exactly what they were doing to engage people's emotions and imagination, or is it only natural talent combined with inspiration, and good luck? Is there a science to write good songs, songs that people like and that command our undivided attention?

In his new book "The magic Power of Hypnotic Songwriting" Jonathan Dresden states that you can actually model the talent of musical geniuses and by using the same methods you can get the same results. "The secret to engage your listener instantly is to engage their emotions," he says. But how is it possible to be hypnotized with music? Dresden explains, "We have to understand first what hypnosis really is:

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that allows us to have a deep concentration and focus on something, when we are watching a movie and we get so caught up on it that for a moment we forget that is just a movie, and we become so scared or we get excited, or we cry, and we feel our emotions totally invested, when in reality a movie is just images projected on a blank screen, and this images project actors, acting "real life situations" and even if we know all this, it seems so real for a moment.

That's the wonderful ability we have to focus and concentrate, and our brain literally changes the rhythm of our brainwaves when we are in a deep state of trance. Yet we are fully aware, if someone calls our name we come back immediately to the "real world", so we were aware the whole time, we were just incredibly concentrated and focused.

So to hypnotize someone with music you have to fully capture their emotions and imagination, so that they can naturally focus on the music."

That sounds simple enough but how do you achieve this? "You have to go first, if you want people to feel deep emotions when they listen to your songs, you have to feel those strong emotions first, and create without analyzing the creative process, there are certain tools you can use to get into those deep states of emotion, using NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) Techniques. That's why most songwriters with great talent get limited and even mediocre
results, while "geniuses" can create thousands of songs and hitting the target almost every time," says Dresden.

"Most books on songwriting promise you to write hit songs, immediately, they give a song structure and some technique on rhyming, while this is important, this works only on a logical level, and emotions are not logical. If you don't inject the "feeling" into your songs, how do you expect people to "feel" something? If you can learn into get this emotional state automatically, you can write and create anytime and anywhere you want, then later you can edit your creations with all the structure and technique you want, or you can even invent a new structure if you want, but first you have to have an emotional compelling song," adds Dresden.

The book is divided in three parts: First it explains the psychological principles on how our minds respond to music, and how natural creation works, in the second part, it explains how to get into a creative state anytime you want, and the formula to create every part of your song, from the lyrics and melodies to the harmony and rhythm, and in the last part of the book called "Hypnotic Tools of the Trade", Jonathan Dresden explains how many principles used in hypnosis like repetition, and fractionation can be found in most musical hits in history from Mozart and Beethoven to the Beatles and any modern hit.

You can get a free preview and also get the full version of the book in his website:

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