80s FOR HAITI -A Tribute Band Benefit Concert for the Victims of the Haiti Earthquake - Sat. Feb. 20th, 2010 7pm @ 4th & B, San Diego, CA. Presented by MusicZirconia.com, U4RIK Vodka & RadioNigel.com
Press Release February 11, 2010
Music Zirconia Tribute Band Agency and eleven of Southern California's premier 1980s oriented tribute and genre cover bands are joining together to help raise money for victims of January's Haiti earthquake on February 20th at 4th & B in San Diego.

SAN DIEGO, CA, February 11, 2010 /24-7PressRelease/ -- 80s FOR HAITI - A Tribute Band Benefit Concert for the Victims of the Haitian Earthquake


Music Zirconia Tribute Band Agency, in conjunction with Steve West, RadioNigel.com, KyXy Radio, Sennheiser USA, U4RIK Vodka, Fortaleza Tequila, Sheraton Hotels and San Diego CityBeat proudly presents:

80s FOR HAITI, A Tribute Band Benefit Concert for the Victims of the Haiti Earthquake

Music Zirconia Tribute Band Agency and eleven of Southern California's premier 1980s oriented tribute bands are joining together to help raise money for victims of January's devastating Haiti earthquake. The event will take place Saturday, Feb. 20 at 4th and B (345 B Street, San Diego, CA 92101) in Downtown San Diego from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. Legendary UK expat DJ Steve West from Radio Nigel will emcee the proceedings and will be spinning in one of two DJ areas throughout the course of the event.

Performing acts include:
Sweet and Tender Hooligans (tribute to The Smiths/Morrissey) www.sweetandtenderhooligans.com
Blasphemous Rumours (Depeche Mode tribute) www.depechetribute.com
The Cured (tribute to 1980's era The Cure) www.thecured.net
The Joshua Tree (U2 tribute) www.u2jt.com
Rio (Duran Duran tribute) www.myspace.com/riodurantribute
Gabba Gabba Heys (Ramones tribute) www.ggheys.com
Metro (80's dance-pop hits) www.themetroband.com
Ghost In The Machine (The Police/Sting tribute) www.ghostinthemachineband.com
Radio Star (hard rock spin on 80s new wave) www.radiostarrocks.com
Dust & Bones (Guns & Roses tribute) www.myspace.com/dustnbonesmusic
The Cameltones (80's party hits) www.reverbnation.com/thecameltonessandiego

and very special guest John Easdale from Dramarama, who penned the Top 10 hits "Anything, Anything (I'll Give You)", "What Are We Gonna Do" and "Haven't Got A Clue". www.myspace.com/dramaramamusic

Presale tickets will be $22 and $27 the day of show. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster.com, at 4thandbevents.com and at the 4th & B box office. Many sponsors are donating resources, time and products to help make this event a huge success, and ultimately, help save lives.

Donations will be directly routed to the Clinton/Bush Haiti Fund (www.clintonbushhaitifund.org).
We will also be raffling off donated items throughout the event.

Music Zirconia Tribute Agency's Brent Meyer said "Our motivation for doing this was threefold. Firstly, we're in the music business so it seemed only natural to give back freely with the one resource we have in abundance. Secondly, in the tribute band world we spend so much time and energy paying homage to the particular artists we emulate that it often spills over into admiration and emulation of their philanthropic efforts as well; particularly those iconic events that helped define the 1980s (Band Aid, USA For Africa, Live Aid, etc.). In addition to the great music, it's part of why we hold those artists in high enough regard to follow this unusual career path in the first place. Lastly, in more practical terms, we knew that if we could give fans an incredible value for their money they'd be more likely to dig deep and give generously, in return."

Additional donations to help survivors of the devastating earthquake in Haiti can be made by:

-Texting the word "QUAKE" to 20222 to donate $10 to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund

-Mailing a check to:

The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
c/o William J. Clinton Foundation
Donations Department
610 President Clinton Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72201

Tickets $22 in advance and $27 day of show-
Ticketmaster direct link - www.ticketmaster.com/80s-for-Haiti-tickets/artist/1405778
4th & B - www.4thandbevents.com

www.musiczirconia.com Music Zirconia Tribute Band Agency
www.radionigel.com Radio Nigel 80's Internet Station
www.clintonbushhaitifund.org Official 80s FOR HAITI charity
www.KyXy.com San Diego KYXY FM radio
www.sennheiserusa.com Sennheiser Microphones
www.u4rik.com U4RIK Vodka, distilledin San Diego
www.losabuelos.com Fortaleza Tequila
www.sdcitybeat.com San Diego CityBeat
www.sheraton.com Sheraton Hotels

Media Contact:
Contact: Michael Twombly
Office: (858) 598.7311
Cell: (858) 405.4391
Web: www.musiczirconia.com
Email: michael@musiczirconia.com

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Contact Information

Brent Meyer

Music Zirconia Tribute Band Agen

San Diego, CA


Telephone: (323) 828-3110

Email: Email Us Here

Website: Visit Our Website