24 Hours for Haiti - Fundraiser and New World Record
Press Release July 27, 2010
Every once in a while an event comes along that will change lives. On September 11th & 12th, 2010, just such an event will be happening - it will change the lives of many, in a good and positive way - including your own.

FOND DU LAC, WI, July 27, 2010 /24-7PressRelease/ -- 24 Hours for Haiti (www.24hoursforhaiti.com) is the brain child of life-long motorcycle enthusiast, Perry Prichard. Prichard has been traveling to Haiti on mission trips for some time now and from the first visit, as he would put it, "touches your heart in a special way", and with the recent earthquake that affected so many Prichard felt that he needed to do something extra, something to raise money to send to his cause in Haiti as an effort to help with the disaster that devastated the country.

Prichard states, "When I sat down to think of what I could do to raise money for Haiti, the first thoughts through my head were not to sell pizzas, Girl Guides cookies or anything like that; it was about, I love to ride motorcycles and how can I turn that passion into raising money?" A friend said "...you should ride your motorcycle for as many laps as you can and find people to pledge per lap." I thought, that is a great idea." So Perry and his wife Melissa set out to figure out how to accomplish such a feat of strength and endurance.

Following a little research, the necessary forms were submitted to Guinness to see if this could qualify. Rather than just waiting idly while the request was being processed, Prichard proactively began a rigorous training regime to prepare himself for the ride.

Prichard received confirmation that Guinness would accept this as an official attempt to set a new World Record! "The Most Continuous Laps on a Motocross bike on a Motocross Track by an Individual in 24 Hours". With that confirmation in hand, preparations have gone into full swing. The simple fundraiser of riding laps on his motorcycle now has the added element of an attempt to set new a world record for the most continuous laps on a motocross bike in 24 hours. The fundraiser is currently scheduled for September 11th & 12th, at Gravity Park, Chilton, WI and will run from 12 noon Saturday to 12 noon Sunday. Efforts are now underway to gather sponsors for the event and collect pledges from donors to raise funding to provide assistance to the people of Haiti to rebuild following the devastating effects of the January earthquake.

Proceeds generated by 24 Hours for Haiti, Inc. through the fundraiser will be distributed to, and utilized in, furthering the efforts of The Lazarus Project Haiti (http://www.lazarusprojecthaiti.org). The Lazarus Project Haiti is an organization with a multifaceted approach for meeting the needs of the people of Haiti. Through providing homes for disabled and orphaned children, to sharing medical care and education through the schools and clinic, they strive to meet as many practical needs as possible in this struggling country.

24 Hours for Haiti, Inc. has been organized to conduct fund raisers for health and food relief domestically and internationally by utilizing 24 Hour events as it's focal point for entertainment and marketability.
Website: http://www.24hoursforhaiti.com

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Contact Information

Perry Prichard

24 Hours for Haiti, Inc

Fond Du Lac, WI


Telephone: 414.940.0143

Email: Email Us Here

Website: Visit Our Website