Acellular Collagen Matrix
Press Release January 7, 2011
Acellular collagen matrix is often used to correct a variety of breast augmentation complications or improve the results of breast reconstruction procedures. It is a processed collagen filler material that is completely devoid of cellular material.

APACHE JUNCTION, AZ, January 07, 2011 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Acellular collagen matrix is often used to correct a variety of breast augmentation complications or improve the results of breast reconstruction procedures. It is a processed collagen filler material that is completely devoid of cellular material. At your initial consultation, ask your plastic surgeon if acellular collagen matrix would be an effective tool with your procedure.

Acellular Collagen Matrix and Breast Augmentation Complications

Acellular collagen matrix can easily correct several breast augmentation complications including:

- Poorly positioned breast implants
- Rippling

If your breast implant is positioned downward or too far to the side, your plastic surgeon can build up the breast region with acellular collagen matrix to better support the implant. This will enable the breast implant to be moved to the proper place.

Rippling is a common complication for women who do not have enough breast tissue to adequately cover the implant. Acellular collagen matrix can provide additional padding to the breast tissue, making the rippling much less apparent.

Acellular Collagen Matrix and Breast Reconstruction

One of the most common breast reconstruction methods involves the use of tissue expanders to create a pocket that will house a breast implant. The tissue expanders will be gradually filled with saline solution over a period of several months in order to create the necessary space for the implant. Acellular collagen matrix can be used in conjunction with tissue expanders to improve the results for your breast reconstruction procedure.

By stitching acellular collagen matrix into your breast muscle, your plastic surgeon can more easily shape the pocket which will house your implant. It will also more fully cover the implant edges, making your breast reconstruction look and feel much more natural.

If you would like to learn more about how acellular collagen matrix can improve the results of your breast augmentation revision procedure or your breast reconstruction, please visit the website of Phoenix, Arizona plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Angelchik today.

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