All Press Releases for December 28, 2004

ISORegister, Inc. Launches First Ever Job Search Engine that Includes Online Interview System and is 100% Banner and Ad-Free! launching January 5th, 2005 and will be the only job search engine that is not only 100% banner and ad-free, but also includes an integrated interview system.

    / - December 28, 2004. There are hundreds of online job sites, but only will give its clients the opportunity to use an online interview room to save time and money as well as avoid potential lawsuits. Being banner and ad-free means potential employees will not be bounced all over the Internet. When someone goes to JobDiscover to find a job, finding a job is all they will find.

ISORegister, Inc. has partnered with to provide the integrated interview/conference system for all new clients.

"We knew when we started developing that we were going to have to set ourselves apart from every other job site on the Internet", said Darryl Graham, President and founder of ISORegister, Inc. "Partnering with brings us the element that no other job site has."

ISORegister, Inc. has been online since 1999 and is currently operating 7 other profitable websites, and is a natural addition to their suite of sites.

ISORegister, Inc. established itself as a 100% banner and ad-free membership based system before membership sites were the in thing. will feed off the company's success and gives its clients a unique and affordable method to find employees.

Vice President Jeremy Gislason also added, " offers all the amenities of the other search sites, such as client logo posting, search by company, resume database searches and its branded version of employee control with Discover Me and now with the online interview/conference system built into the back office, becomes a slam dunk for any company to affordably post and control job searches online".

Pricing of JobDiscover is extremely affordable at only $27.97/month, with each company being able to have up to 5 active job listings and an unlimited number of job postings that can be activated and deactivated with the click of a mouse.

Discover Me accounts are free for job seekers and give users total control over their resume and personal information.

"Partnering with ISORegister, Inc. on this most unique job search engine made sense to us as we have some great ideas in the works for 2005 that will include and the employee acquisition market," said CEO of, George Buys. "The interview/conference system being offered to clients will allow interviews and training to be conducted online which will save both employees and employers time and money. The sessions can also be recorded to protect both parties from possible lawsuits."

Added Susan Leiker, Director of Customer Support, "During our time working with ISORegister, Inc. we have found them to be a solid company with their clients best interest at stake. We at are extremely happy to be part of and the opportunity to showcase our conference system as part of this new service."

For details visit JobDiscover at:

Contact Darryl Graham for additional information
U.S. Office: 7129 Oak Ridge Rd. Falls Church, VA 22042 USA
Phone: 1-888-541-5006 or 703-366-3131
Email: [email protected]

Contact Jeremy Gislason
International Office: 4-14-15-401 Chuo, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0021 Japan
Email: [email protected] is the only job search engine that is not only 100% banner and ad-free, but also includes an integrated interview/conference system.

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Contact Information

Jeremy Gislason
ISORegister, Inc.
Falls Church, VA
Voice: 1-888-541-5006
E-Mail: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website