Fraudulent Foreclosure: Jump Legal Sues Bank of America for Foreclosure Fraud and Loan Modification Fraud in Ohio
Press Release December 19, 2011
Jump Legal Group of Columbus, Ohio enters a class action lawsuit against Bank of America for fraudulently foreclosing on Ohio homeowners. All Ohio homeowners with mortgages with Bank of America who are in a loan modification might be eligible.

COLUMBUS, OH, December 19, 2011 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Ohio Attorneys John Sherrod and W. Mark Jump, of Jump Legal Group, have filed a class action lawsuit against Bank of America on behalf of Ohio homeowners who have been wrongfully foreclosed on by Bank of America despite never missing a single payment. The suit alleges Bank of American improperly diverted homeowners' trial loan modification payments (watch video).

The initiation of the class action lawsuit came after Bank of American foreclosed on a Canal Winchester, Ohio, couple who were shocked when a process server appeared at their door with foreclosure papers. Attorney John Sherrod relays, "the Woodruffs are responsible homeowners, who like many people, were hurt by the bad economy. They contacted Bank of America and entered into a loan modification agreement. They made every payment on time and then Bank of America foreclosed on them anyway. Joe and Jennifer have two young children and they worry what this stress is doing to them."

There are potentially hundreds of other homeowners in Ohio who are living through this same nightmare. "At this point we have handled countless loan modifications where the loan application and agreements have been mishandled by the banks. This is probably one of the more egregious scenarios emerging in the marketplace." - W. Mark Jump.

What should you do if you have had an experience similar to the Woodruff's? Attorneys John Sherrod and Mark Jump urge homeowners to contact them at 614-454-4307 or to visit Jump Legal's website and fill out a brief questionnaire about your experience.

Jump Legal Group is a Columbus, Ohio law firm dedicated to helping people keep their homes and get a fresh start using the protection of Foreclosure Defense, Loan Modifications, Debt Settlement, and Bankruptcy. For more than a decade, Jump Legal Group has helped thousands of people in Ohio.


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Contact Information

Mark Jump

Jump Legal Group

Columbus, Ohio


Telephone: 614-454-4307

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