Renowned Health and Wellness Expert Julia Loggins Offers 21-Day Plan for Optimum Health and Energy in Latest Book "Dare to Detoxify!"
Press Release February 23, 2012
Debuting at #8 on Amazon Health, "Dare To Detoxify!" provides readers the tools and techniques to regain their edge - vitality, looks, health and mental focus! - naturally.

SANTA BARBARA, CA, February 23, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- It's that time of the year again; by mid-February all those great New Years resolutions about exercising more, eating better and reducing stress are...causing stress!

Author and optimum health expert Julia Loggins has the answer and outlines a 21-Day Plan for wellness in her latest book "Dare To Detoxify!"

Today's lifestyles are filled with not only abundant (and deadly) levels of stress but a frighteningly increasing number of toxins. They're in our air, they're in our water and, increasingly, in the foods we eat and choose to eat. The daily routines of just two generations ago - working on farms or in yards, walking to get mail or to school, preparing three meals a day that are eaten at a dinner table - have morphed into hours behind the wheel of a car, in front of a computer or on a couch glued to a television or video game.

And it gets worse! We're eating prepared foods - the kind that comes in frozen boxes, rip-open bags or from a drive-through window - and our bodies and brains are reflecting their distress in ever-increasing numbers. The United States - and the world - are reporting record numbers of the populations suffering from obesity, diabetes, heart disease and, increasingly, conditions and diseases unheard of just five or ten years ago!

For the last thirty-five years, wellness authority Julia Loggins, CCH, has led a private practice in Santa Barbara, California that focuses on detoxification. A certified Health Practitioner, Julia took her own real-life experience as a child suffering from a life-threatening illness and created a career out of changing client's lives through detoxification. Using a mix of nutrition and food choices, cleansing treatments, exercise and lifestyle changes around sleep and stress, Julia created a 21-day program that results in a cleaner body and a more focused mind.

This is Julia's fourth book/recording; her first book, "The Unimaginable Life," was written with (ex) husband/musician Kenny Loggins as was her second, recorded title, "Let The Pendulum Swing." Her third, "Healing Your Relationships" was recorded in partnership with Kenny Loggins and Deepak Chopra.

In "Dare To Detoxify!" (Vibrant Health Publishing, soft cover, $16.95) Julia offers - in a loose, fun and engaging manner - anecdotes, tips, tricks and encouragement to change her readers' health and lives for the better and, hopefully, forever.

While Julia's clients will happily talk about their various achievements - including significant drops in unhealthy body fat, clearer skin, greater alertness, deeper sleep and sharper focus - the most common outcome bragged about is a sense of energy, vibrancy and strength...something many of Julia's exhausted clients simply didn't know was missing from their lives or that they could regain without stimulants.

Or, as nationally recognized expert in Anti-Aging and Regeneration Medicine Michael Galitzer, M.D, puts it, "God Bless Julia Loggins. 'Dare to Detoxify!' is a book for everyone seeking to optimize their body and slow the aging process. If you want to get healthy, go see Julia Loggins!"

"Dare to Detoxify!" is available in print, audio and Kindle versions through Vibrant Health Publishing, the author's website,, and independent booksellers.

Review copies are available to qualified media. Interviews with Ms. Loggins are available as are JPG images of both the author and the book.. Please contact The Zephyr Group, (505) 466-2770 or [email protected].

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