EDCgold- no passup sales, no kidding
Press Release May 9, 2007
Hi Jeremy Barnett aka the prosperman talks about the advantage that the perfect wealth formula has over Edc gold.

/24-7PressRelease/ - CANTON, OH, May 09, 2007 - Jeremy Barnett, aka the prosperman is a marketing guru with huge success online, He compares Edc gold with the new perfect wealth formula.

He states that Edc gold is a decent program but you do not get a real product for your money, and lets face it for an indusry to last out there you need a real product to sale to the end user. Yes it is nice the 997.00 payments but the excitement has already started to fade, as more and more people in this industry start to see the light and come over to the Perfect wealth formula buisness.

The Prosperman further added: that this product (the perfect wealth formula is a product that people can use for any online buisness that they are trying to promote, because it teaches you step by step through a series of videos on how to drive massive traffic to your website, over and over again for pennies on the dollar and alot of times for free.

The perfect wealth formula has an amazing compensation plan as compared to Edc gold, He likes Perfect Wealth formula alot better and states that it is alot more profitable and faster money. (here is why) in perfect wealth formula you have no passups sales NONE! and that is huge. I know that you all have been led to believe that the 2 ups programs are so great, well if you have done them and failed miserably then you are probably saying to yourself,it is not that great. Here is the problem, as soon as you bring someone in and they have given you their 2 sales, Are you ready for the big realization, THEY BECOME YOUR NUMBER 1 COMEPETITOR!!

With Perfect wealth formula you make 400 to 900 dollars per sale and you have no passups, and here is where it kills the Edc gold compensation plan. You make 100 to 200 dollars on every person that you bring in on every sale that they make. They are alot more motivated because they make 400 to 900 dollars a day on every sale and they don't have to give you a single sale. Also you are very happy because every sale that they make pays you a 100 to 200 dollar override every single time.

Imagine this (he further states) if you follow my proven formula you will be making at least a sale a day after your first 2to3 weeks. I know you wanted to hear tommorrow right, well I will not insult your intelligence by telling you what these other guys tell you and leave you upset and untrusting. So after 30 days you have made 30 sales right! and then you duplicate yourself each of those 30 people you brought on follow my same system, and now you just made 3,000 to 6,000 dollars on overrides and you did not have to do a thing. Because again what is so great about Perfect wealth formula compared to Edc

Gold is that the product you get with perfect wealth formula is an actual education on how to market your buisness or buisnesses online, with again easy to follow step by step videos that anyone even if they have never turned on a computer before can watch these videos and apply the techniques.

So in recap: if you are serious about making money fast and easy then you need to give me a call, I am a real person and I answer my phone. I believe in the old philosophy, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I care about your success and I want you to succeed because of the overrides, so I have a huge motivation to help you make 2 to 3 sales a day in the next 90 days, and I will show you (along with the powerful marketing system that the perfect wealth formula provides) how to duplicate my success and get you making up to 40,000 a month or more just in overrides.

If you are tired of wasting hard earned money and need something concrete and easy to do, then pick up the phone or if you can't wait to get started go to my website http://www.theprosperman.biz and sign up. Then give me a call and I will help you make your first couple of sales in a 72 hour period and then after that the sky is the limit.

Jeremy Barnett
aka the prosperman

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Contact Information

Jeremy Barnett

Jeremy Barnett

canton, OH


Telephone: 330-294-0245

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