PONTE VEDRA, FL, August 24, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- "To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." E.E. Cummings
Brawling her way into the overly crowded, generic-Pop, cookie cutter market place that can be popular music, Nicole Taylor sucker punches the competition with her offhanded, irreverent music and fearless artistic expression. It is a true gift to stand out in a category of music that is all about being popular, which by its very definition requires conformity. To be fearless enough to be different, is something we all are intrigued by and interested in. It is the artist that stands up inside themselves - fully engaged in expressing who THEY are authentically that makes the rest of us stand up a little taller too. Isn't it grand that Nicole Taylor is willing to stand up for all of us who might be too afraid?
A Sydney, Australia native, Nicole Taylor has been hitting the music scene head on the past few months promoting her new album, Ambiguosexual. The title track and 7 others make up this patented and trendy EP. Recent articles site her alluring style and flavor.
Indie Artist Alliance says, "Trendy artist captures own following as she creates a tasty musical groove that is flavorful to the new generation and is hitting the airwaves worldwide. The creative notion she has placed in each of her songs is fresh, upbeat, and at times cache, often wrapped in heavy synched 80s pop scene blend with each title such as,Bad Date and Reality TV."
Rave Magazine observes, "Her patented, soft vocals over blithesome instrumentation will win your attention only to find yourself grooving to a sound to which you may not have been accustomed; leaving you intrigued to have experienced such a rush of musical splendor."
Like a good corner man for a prize fighter, the team at Musik Radio Promotions has Ambiguosexual assaulting the airwaves on over 13,000 radio stations in over 60 countries world- wide. With the intense publicity, air play and distribution in place at Musik and Film, Nicole Taylor is squared up for a real barnburner of a first match.
Please visit: http://www.reverbnation.com/taylorzz and begin your captivating experience.
For more info on distribution and promotions, please visit: http://www.musikandfilm.com./get-promoted.
Musik and Film is known as one the top Indie labels in the world. We are multi=faceted covering production, publicity, radio promotion. Our labels, Out of the Box Records and Cinderella Records, are distributed by the largest chain in the world, The Orchard.
Musik Radio Promotions is a major radio promotions company, promoting mostly singles, with 13,000+ verified radio stations in our database, which is available to Indie artists and labels.
We also have a dedicated phone staff, able to do heavy call promotions to radio worldwide, in 60 countries at this date.
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Contact Information
Rhonda Wrench
Musik and Film
Ponte Vedra, FL
Email: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website