All Press Releases for July 23, 2007

Designer versus Replica

All women want to own a designer handbag. As all the stars and famous people do, they too want to look fashionable. Owning a leather handbag by a famous designer is a dream for almost every woman.

    /24-7PressRelease/ - JAMAICA, NY, July 23, 2007 - Carrying a leather handbag on different occasions is like promoting yourself. It says that you have class in choosing things. There is only one reason to buy a replica or designer inspired handbag ... you can get quality at affordable pricing. You can tell a lot about a person from the clothes they wear, but you can also tell a lot about a person simply from the handbags they carry.

Many people think that replica or designer inspired handbags means cheap. That's not so. A replica handbag or designer inspired handbag merely means that it's less expensive and affordable to the average person. If spending $2000 on a designer purse is in your budget, that's great! But for most of us $500 and or even $300 on a purse is not something that's attainable. So, in come the replicas and designer inspired handbags. They are a lifesaver for those who are struggling to pay the rent and the lights and the gas..and look fashionable at the same time.

Replicas make designer handbags affordable. Many times a person cannot tell that the bag is a replica. Today's manufacturers are adept at producing quality merchandise. After all, their livelihood is dependent on the quality of the products they produce. Online retailers who are selling replica handbags are sure to thoroughly inspect the merchandise before putting it on their website. Questions posed by their customers must be answered adequately. Customers are sure to inquire of the quality of the materials, craftsmanship and markup. If the specifications do not meet the standards of the buying public, online retailers, or any retailer, are subject to refund requests, returns and a loss of customers, in addition to a loss of the public's faith in the company.

Quality replicas are the way to go for much of public. It helps them keep in step with the current fashions as well as their bills. So, if they're looking for quality handbags, check out the quality replicas or designer inspired handbags that are on the market today. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the quality and pricing of the handbags that you'll find. What you will find will mimic the most expensive handbags carried by some of the most famous people you know.

About GMWright Unlimited, Inc
Gwen Wright is the owner of Gwen's New York Handbags. She has had her MSW degree for 35 years and was the director of several community-based social service programs for twenty years. Handbags has been her passion for over 40 years. Her second profession has become her website business, where she sells classy, affordable handbags. Gwen invites you to come to to see the products she has to offer.

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Contact Information

Gwendolyn Wright
GMWright Unlimited, Inc
Jamaica, New York
Voice: 7182765511
E-Mail: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website