What do Ants Know That We Don't? - Amazon Best Seller Uncovers The Secret of 'Getting Clever Together'
Press Release August 2, 2007
Highly successful people know how to gain the attention and support of others. And this is no accident. The principles they use are found in a new Amazon best seller.

/24-7PressRelease/ - August 02, 2007 - 'Teaching an Anthill to Fetch', is a fun, easy to read approach to our most important ability. The ability to get on with others. The book's author Stephen James Joyce says, "It's time to rethink the way we get on. And time for us to get clever together".

"In the environment we live in today, never has our ability to 'pull together' been more important or more challenged," said Joyce. He goes on to say "Ants can survive and thrive in some of the most hostile environments on earth. No single ant knows how it all works - nor does it need to." Their ability to collaborate is what distinguishes them from us.

He goes on to say that, "Individually, ants are pretty dumb creatures, collectively they are very smart. Human beings, on the other hand, are individually very smart and collectively, well..."

According to 'Teaching an Anthill to Fetch' raising our ability to create cooperation means:
• Relationships improve dramatically
• Home and workplace are more fun and easy going
• Everyone's stress level is reduced
• Higher quality people are attracted in to your life

'Teaching an Anthill to Fetch' will make you re-think the way you work with others. It dispels the myth that great results only come with big changes. "You don't need an MBA to change your workplace, you only need the will and a few basic tools" says Joyce. This book is packed with practical tips on how to transform your personal and professional life.

The author states that "Collaboration does not need to be an obscure concept. For that very reason 'Teaching an Anthill to Fetch' has been designed as a small book, it can be read quickly. And a highly practical book, it's principles can be put into action immediately." Certainly a book for the times we live in.

'Teaching an Anthill to Fetch - Developing Collaborative Intelligence @ Work' ISBN: 978-0-9780312-0-6 Available from Mighty Small Books Publishing, http://www.anthillsite.com or toll-free 866-912-5210 -- Online at Amazon.com and Barnes & Nobel.com.

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