All Press Releases for February 20, 2013

Laura Wellington: HuffPost Gives Rave Review to The Four-Star Diet!

Book sales already crossing continents.

    NEW HAVEN, CT, February 20, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- It's been less than two weeks since its official release and already, "The Four-Star Diet: Based Upon The Wisdom Of General Colin Powell & Other Ridiculously Brilliant Leaders" has seized a nation and crossed international borders into Canada, Europe, and Asia. The rapid takeover and powerful sales have been fueled by an enthusiastic and aggressive battalion of blogger support combined with stellar reviews, including that of Lisa Niver Rajna, blogger for The Huffington Post.

It seems the stealthy nature in which new Author, Laura J. Wellington, exploded onto the scene rivals that of similar attacks implemented by this book's namesake, General Colin Powell. And as Amazon continues to be overrun with 5 star reviews for the book as well, the consensus seems to be that "The Four-Star Diet" will soon assume the leadership position in the "weight loss" book community as it advocates to its readers in their own kitchens and lives.

For further information or to arrange an interview, contact Connie Roberts at Wow!media, or (201) 478-0190

This company handles PR for budding authors and small companies specific to children's and women's entertainment.

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Contact Information

Laura Wellington
Madison, Connecticut
Voice: (201) 478-1090
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