All Press Releases for September 13, 2007

Teens: Ultra-Thin, Movie POP STARS Set Bad Example

America's teenagers are angry at Hollywood for glamorizing ultra-thin bodies, bodies NoT thin from healthy lifestyle as excercise and nutition but diet pills and starving diets.

    JMJ Inc.

Contact: Joseph Szanati
Tel: 847-827-9422
Email: [email protected]

Teens: Utra-Thin

Teens: Ultra-Thin, Movie POP STARS Set Bad Example

/24-7PressRelease/ - DES PLAINES, IL, September 13, 2007 - America's teenagers are angry at Hollywood for glamorizing ultra-thin bodies, bodies NoT thin from healthy lifestyle as excercise and nutition but diet pills and starving diets. Many girls say they feel too self-conscious about their bodies as a result of watching TV, movies and music videos. The findings are gleaned from more than six months of ongoing discussion and debate. Anger and resentment toward the Hollywood ultra-thin runs deep, particularly among teenage girls.

"A 14 year old boy girlfriend and her friends are always sick because they are either taking diet pills or starving
themselves to look like the video Bimbo's."

"A 16 year old Midwestern girl was criticized because she is healthy athletic looking , because of excercising and good diet (nutrition).

"John a 17 year old football player was helping his sister get turned around with this trend to be thin, so she can recover her health. Also, his father (personal trainer at health club), told the story of some women in his day doing similar trends are now struggling with their health and lifestyle to get through middle age with some quality of life.

"This demonstrates once again the need to teach young girls and boys about how to develop a positive self-image," said John's father. " has done a true service by bringing these attitudes to the public's attention." has been helping people with health issues (excercise tecniques and nutrition) who are the later examples of the subject teens. These persons need a lifestyle change to survive the damage done in their teen years to enjoy a quality of life and health through middle age and later years.

If you would like more information about this topic, send email to [email protected] SUBJECT: Angry Teens

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des plaines, il
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