All Press Releases for April 04, 2013

The Obama Neuroscience Initiative to Understand the Brain is Extremely Essential and Much Needed News - But it is About Time That Neuroscience Research Also Focused on Brain Education

We are pleading with President Obama and the team that will take up this neuroscience project to please consider our proposal for wisdom/brain education. We have already covered much ground. Please google: 'einpresswire 4th r foundation'.

    RIDGEFIELD PARK, NJ, April 04, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- As neuroscience includes all the mind sciences we are assuming that our experts will finally also research ways to answer the big questions of philosophy that connect with the psychology, education and well being of the emotional brain.

It seems the bulk of the financing will be spent on how billions of brain cells interact. This goal is essential but mostly inadequate to fully understand the physical working of the brain. Understanding the working of the physical brain is far too complex to be understood just by recording and mapping the brain circuits; as the biochemical process also occurs at the same time, all at the 'speed of thought' as they say.

The aim of this project is to understand the working of the brain in order to cure brain illnesses and optimize brain health. The biggest brain illness that the majority of humanity suffers from is emotionally challenged brains; which is the most damaging, emotional and financial pain causing brain illness that needs immediate attention. Emotional brain sickness is more common than all the other brain illnesses combined. Thus the most essential goal of neuroscience research is to understand the working of the emotional brain. Figuring out what causes emotionally challenged behavior and how to cure this illness must be the top priority of this brain researching project.

100% of humanity suffers from the consequences of emotionally challenged behavior where 80% hurt themselves and others with their emotionally challenged brains.

All this man made mess in the world is from emotionally challenged behavior that is caused by the emotional baggage in our brains . Students at the infant level enter the class room with emotional baggage. Instead of helping to cure their emotional baggage we label them as failures thereby increasing their emotional baggage/illness. We classify even the border line cases with physical illnesses and saddle them with drugs that we over prescribe! A vast section does not need drugs; they need brain education/therapy as their brain sickness is emotional.

Our President Sajid Khan has proposed brain/emotional-intelligence/wisdom/emotional education for students from pre-K-12 and beyond and wisdom/pure-happiness-seminars/emotional-intelligence/brain-therapy for adults through hundreds of essays, blogs and press releases. We have even personally handed our ideas to President Obama a couple of times, who at least once promised to get back to us. Of course he is too busy trying to reform mind education to have time for reforming brain education. We have emailed to his Senior Staff including the Education Secretary hundreds of articles on wisdom/brain education. Unfortunately our Secretary of Education is stunningly closed minded; he is only concerned with the mess in formal/mind education. He does not get it that the real mess in formal education is due to the emotional baggage mess in our students brains; which can be removed/cured.

We are confident that with this neuroscience project, the path to wisdom/brain education will now open up. We will not allow the neglect of brain education any further. We will occupy the White House or even go to the Supreme Court to make sure wisdom/brain/emotional-intelligence education becomes a reality.

We are pleading that the team that takes up this neuroscience project to please consider our proposal for wisdom/brain education. We have already covered much ground. Please google: 'einpresswire 4th r foundation'.

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For further reading please Google:

4th r foundation

Please check out our YouTube videos here:

"Message to President Obama..."

"If you are thinking of a divorce"

"Who am I"

"Practical application of quantification of the Mind"

"A Message for Bill Gates"

Please email this Press Release to our President, your Senator, Congressman, Education Secretary and All Those Connected With Education and the Neuroscience Project. Pleas Spread the Word That it is now up to our Leaders to fix the Mess in Education and in all Life.

The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches brain education, informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, consciousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image, emotional brain baggage, pure happiness etc.

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Contact Information

Sajid Khan
The 4th R Foundation
Ridgefield Park, NJ
United States
Voice: 201 814 1808
E-Mail: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website