Kind Attention President Obama and all Education Leaders: Any Wonder that a Mother Does not Need to be an Expert on Wisdom to Raise a Wise Child?
Press Release May 4, 2013
Mr. Education Secretary: We simply do not need to even know what is wisdom to make society wise! Just follow what God is clearly telling us about wisdom.

RIDGEFIELD PARK, NJ, May 04, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- "But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die." - Genesis 2:17

This is exactly what happened. The real pure self died and was replaced by a phony self image. Before eating the fruit of knowledge Adam and Eve were totally lost in the moment, unaware of their own self identity; living in wisdom. Their self image all of a sudden made them aware of their own powerlessness; their helplessness and total dependence on God. It introduced greed, jealousy, fear, longing, ambition; in fact all the attributes of ignorance. From being pure man became impure.

It spite of having acquired the forbidden knowledge; God is giving us clues on how man can still become pure again. He is telling us that He made us in His Own Image. Thus by understanding the very nature of God we will understand our very own human nature.

God is showing us Who He is. God is the Word and the Word is God.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." - John 1:1

Thus God does not just have wisdom, God is Wisdom. Wisdom is an innate, effortless and integral part of God. So for man it is not about having the knowledge of wisdom, it is about becoming wisdom.

The very nature of wisdom is such that it exist as an integral part of the human self. There is no such thing as wisdom being an independent entity. Wisdom is the very human nature of the pure man. Wisdom exists as man.

Somehow man got obsessed with trying to know and have the knowledge of wisdom; all man needs is to simply get what God is saying about wisdom. Pure man is wisdom and wisdom is man! It is as simple as that. This very clear understanding of wisdom is all that is needed to put man and society on a path to wisdom. Wisdom is an effortless biochemical/emotional condition of the pure brain. All we need to do to acquire wisdom is to make man pure. Pure man is a projection of a pure brain; a pure brain is an emotional baggage free brain. To acquire wisdom man must make sure that his brain is free of all emotional baggage.

Wisdom education is not about acquiring the knowledge of wisdom, it is about a healthy upbringing and brain therapy that makes sure the brain is free of all emotional baggage.

God is also saying that knowledge can be a trap and certainly our half baked knowledge of wisdom is a deadly trap! It is amazing how our wisdom experts have missed the true message of God. Wisdom is not confusing if only we can follow the message of God.

It even does not matter for man to even know what is wisdom, as long as his brain is pure/emotionally-healthy/free-of-all-emotional baggage; man will be wise.
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"Message to President Obama..."

"If you are thinking of a divorce"

"Who am I"

"Practical application of quantification of the Mind"

"A Message for Bill Gates"

Please email this Press Release to our President, your Senator, Congressman, Education Secretary and All Those Connected With Education and the Neuroscience Project. Pleas Spread the Word That it is now up to our Leaders to fix the Mess in Education and in all Life.

The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, conscientiousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image, emotional brain baggage etc.

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