Bean Farmers Join Fight against Obesity
Press Release November 9, 2007
Beans Farmers Join Fight against Obesity with their home Pinto Beans.

Bean Farmers Join Fight against Obesity CNN, Larry King among group publicizing national problem

Byron Rimbaud

- GOODLAND, KS, November 09, 2007 - A recent study performed by University of Florida researchers and published in Health Services Research Online presented evidence of a strong relationship between obesity and higher healthcare costs, a higher average cost of living and shortened life expectancies. Last year, having recognizing this continuing struggle against obesity, a group of Midwestern individuals decided it was time to act. Alan Townsend, proprietor of the J. Hawkens Bean Company, teamed together with former American Agri-Women President Jean Pettibone to create the 'Hawkens Pie', a deliciously low-fat alternative to the traditional pecan pie. "Every day there's a new study talking about how we're getting larger as a country," said Townsend, "And about the only answer I've heard so far is cutting out soda; so, we're adding to that by suggesting folks add more nutrients to their diet as people did in the past."

By bringing nutritious foods such as pinto beans into regular rotation on your family's table, you're giving them a great source of fiber and significant amounts of folate, magnesium, and potassium. Pinto beans can help prevent heart disease and can potentially reduce the risk of heart attacks. Diabetics also stand to gain from pinto beans: dietary fiber stabilizes blood sugar, making beans a recommended fiber source for diabetics. But pinto beans for dessert? Townsend says the Hawkens Pie is just another great tasting bean dish. "It's absolutely scrumptious; I served it to my family and let them rave about it before I told them what it was. They didn't believe it."

Obesity is a serious threat to our nation and threatens our youth. By subtracting nutritionally deficient foods from a diet, parents can combat the issue while adding such wholesome foods such as legumes. J Hawkens created the Hawkens Pie to take the place of more fattening holiday dessert choices.

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