All Press Releases for July 30, 2015

Insulite Health Brings Important Awareness Around Teen Girls and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Empowering Women and Teens with PCOS to Transform Their Lives

I have been on the Insulite PCOS System for six or so weeks and have noticed a considerable decrease in food cravings; I have lost 15 pounds.

    DENVER, CO, July 30, 2015 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Insulite Health has shifted its focus slightly for the month of July. Their core objective is to offer women with PCOS hope through research-based information, and the 5-Step System. But this month they are focused on teen girls and they are on a mission to Empower "Teen Girls" with PCOS to Transform Their Lives.

Insulite Health, a Boulder, Colorado-based company offers a solution to women, including teen girls, who are suffering from an irreversible condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common, although often under-diagnosed, hormonal disorder among women. Research has shown that 30 percent of all women and teenage girls, perhaps as many as one billion worldwide, have PCOS-like symptoms. PCOS is reported to be a growing problem with adolescent girls.

For the month of July, Insulite Health has been bringing awareness to the seldom discussed issue of teenage girls and PCOS. Teenagers can experience the full range of PCOS symptoms seen in more mature women, including irregular or completely absent periods.

And they are showing why earlier detection is better. Research actually shows that the endocrinologic abnormality of PCOS begins soon after the first menstrual cycle, so teen girls could begin seeing PCOS symptoms as early as 11 or so years of age.

Insulin resistance, one of the main symptoms of PCOS, may or may not be detectable in adolescents during the onset of PCOS symptoms. This means that that hormone imbalances caused by insulin resistance and PCOS actually predisposes women, including adolescent girls to additional health problems.

If you are a parent of a teenager, you know that teenagers' hormones can be raging out of control. But adding the additional complication of an unusual hormonal imbalance can make their life difficult and full of uncertainty. For teen girls, they rarely understand or know that the male hormone, testosterone occurs naturally in women in small amounts. But PCOS causes a hormonal imbalance resulting in excess levels of testosterone, often causing increased facial and body hair, acne or weight gain, all of which can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. As many as 15% of women and teenage females have excess facial hair and PCOS is the cause in 70% to 80% of cases, says researchers.


A hormone-balanced, nutritious diet and regular exercise, as advocated by the Insulite PCOS System, can help to lower testosterone levels and increase cell sensitivity to insulin. Women and female teenagers worried about the symptoms mentioned above should consult their doctor to be tested for PCOS.

Other symptoms of the condition can include fatigue, weight gain, infertility, moodiness, hormone imbalance, skin problems, hair loss, depression, sleep apnea, infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods, reproductive difficulties, and excess male hormone (androgen) levels.

The Insulite Health PCOS 5-Step System is the first of its kind to be developed for the management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. The 5 Elements are:
- The Nutraceutical Solution
- Food as Medicine
- Movement as Medicine
- Food Cravings and Addiction
- Support Community for Healing

These elements profoundly support their noble cause: Empowering Women with PCOS to Transform Their Lives.

Insulite Health puts a new science-based twist on the steps for healing from the symptoms of PCOS that is delivered to women and teens everywhere. It's called the 5% Solution and it supports women and teens to make lasting change to transform their lives.

Being a teen is hard enough. We understand that the pain and discouragement teens experience dealing with PCOS symptoms only increases the discomfort they feel. Help is here. Insulite Health has made it their mission to help teens reverse these devastating symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Insulite Health is changing the landscape for teens with PCOS and supporting them during the process.

Teenager who is a longtime user of the Insulite Health system, Allie P. said, "I want to praise Insulite's product. It is absolutely amazing! I haven't been able to get my period for 8 years without help of the birth control pill. However, I didn't like how the pill made me feel and I was dedicated to getting off the pill and getting my period without the help of hormones. I tried acupuncture and prescribed Chinese herbs for 8 months with no help. After only 2 months of being on Insulite, I have now gotten my period 2 months in a row!! I am absolutely amazed at the quality of this product and will be using it for the rest of my life. It is the perfect blend of vitamins and I am a tremendous supporter and believer of these products. Thank you so much Insulite!!!"

Insulite Health has an abundance of great information to stand behind their cause. As part of this health management e-portal, Insulite Health has developed over 12,900 online pages of information about PCOS. The Insulite Health website ( now serves as the world's leading resource to help transform the health and lives of women and teens with this condition.

In addition to the extensive library of online information supporting and empowering women and teens with PCOS, this unique and amazing company also prides itself on the many online support channels they offer. From their informative Blog, which has a whole range of topics relating to PCOS, to their online events, such as the Inspiration Hour, to their social networks, which includes their popular Facebook page with over 8,000 likes, as well as an online newsletter that offer transformational lifestyle, health and wellness tips for a healthier life while living with PCOS.

Long time user of the Insulite Health PCOS System JM in West Hartford, CY says: "I have been on the Insulite PCOS System for six or so weeks and have noticed a considerable decrease in food cravings; I have lost 15 pounds; I am having fewer migraines; and I have better control over my blood sugar."

Katie Humphrey, an advocate for teen girls and who also suffers from PCOS, gave wonderful advice in a recent PCOS Inspiration Hour interview, with Chief Wellness Officer, Robin Nielsen of Insulite Health, "The number 1 thing you want to make sure you do, even if your symptoms aren't 100% like all the symptoms listed for PCOS, is to pursue a diagnosis. The best way to do this is to seek out your regular medical professional and insist to see an Endocrinologist. An Endocrinologist will study your blood and look at your hormones beyond just your insulin levels or your testosterone levels. You want to make sure that you're finding somebody who's open-minded, who's listening to you, and/or your daughter."

For the most up-to-date information and ways to stay connected visit

Insulite Health was established in 2001 in Boulder, Colorado USA, to research, develop and test a scientifically-based, multi-layered approach to addressing the problems associated with Insulin Resistance (IR), a potentially dangerous imbalance of blood glucose and insulin. Reversing the condition requires a complete, specialized system which incorporates potent Nutraceauticals (a natural herb, vitamin, mineral or other nutrient used medicinally); a tailored nutrition plan; an exercise plan designed to increase insulin sensitivity; a component that addresses carbohydrate addiction; and an extensive support network.

Recognizing that there are millions of people who need this kind of systematic approach to reversing Insulin Resistance (IR), Insulite Health has, over the past ten years, developed individual systems for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), Excess Weight Gain/Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X), Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.

For further information, visit, call 888-272-8250 or send an email to [email protected]

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Contact Information

Robin Nielsen
Insulite Health, Inc.
Boulder, Colorado
United States
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