Realty Executives Not Only Has The Best Online Marketing Presence in Nutley But In Northern New Jersey As Well
Press Release November 6, 2015
On the heels of their 1 year anniversary Matthew De Fede has turned his new office into an Online Marketing Power House for home sellers & home buyers in Nutley New Jersey
"I want my agents to thrive, I use my background and experience to promote the Executives (Agents) in my office so they are happy make a good living and all they have to do is sell"

NUTLEY, NJ, November 06, 2015 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Real Estate in Nutley was the furthest thing from Matthew De Fede's mind during the hey days of the Dot Com Bubble.

The year was 1996 and the Dot Com's were flying high a new website company sprung up on a daily basis, Matthew had worked his way up to Sr. Art Director for (then forming his own design firm defede media) in New York City and he was not thinking about Real Estate at all, until a friend one day suggested he take the money he was making and invest in Real Estate and that is exactly what he did and has not looked back since.

Matthew said, "I started with buying one single building then I bought another and another and another, I was working with several Real Estate Agents and I thought to myself you know what I think I would enjoy doing this."

Matthew caught the Real Estate bug and noticed himself more and more loving looking at homes, viewing homes etc., he started using his online marketing skills to promote other Real Estate firms while consulting with other companies such as MERCK, Hoffman La Roche, NBC, JP Morgan and thinking about Real Estate more and more as a career.

He became a licensed agent in 2006 and started his own design firm defede media and slowly morphed into a full-time Realtor and Broker Owner or REALTY EXECUTIVE'S Elite Homes, he has a unique Real Estate business model drawing from his years of experience in the design field and working with many Advertising Agencies he calls it a "Agent Centric Model" Matthew runs his office like he is the Chief Marketing Officer and his agents are his Account Executives and their clients are considered accounts.

As Matthew states there is no other office in New Jersey with the capabilities to market themselves and clients homes without hiring their own design agency, Matthew says Realty Executives Elite Homes has it done all in house.

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Contact Information

Matthew De Fede

Realty Executives Elite Homes

Nutley, NJ


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