All Press Releases for November 18, 2015

Corporate Whistleblower Center Urges Physicians With Proof a Hospital Is Promoting Improper Referrals to Call Them About Potential Whistleblower Rewards If Medicare Overbilling Is Involved

The Corporate Whistleblower Center is urging physicians or healthcare workers to call them about rewards at 866-714-6466 if they have proof a hospital, nursing home, a medical practice group or a hospice company is overbilling Medicare or Midicaid.

In many instances we will assist the potential whistleblower package their information with the goal being a much better reward

    WASHINGTON, DC, November 18, 2015 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The Corporate Whistleblower Center is urging a medical doctor, or a healthcare professional to call them anytime at 866-714-6466 if they possess documented proof a hospital, dialysis center, a nursing home, a cardiology group, a company providing hospice, or a pharmaceutical company is involved in overbilling Medicare, or Medicaid. The rewards for this type of information can be significant. We are also extremely interested in talking to physicians, if they have proof a hospital is paying referral fees to medical doctors for hospital admissions. http://CorporateWhistleblowerCenter.Com

As an example of referral fees in August of 2015 the Department of Justice announced two Southwest Missouri health care providers agreed to pay the United States $5.5 million to settle allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by engaging in improper financial relationships with referring physicians.

The settlement resolved allegations that the defendants submitted false claims to the Medicare program for services rendered to patients referred by physicians who received bonuses based on a formula that improperly took into account the value of the physicians' referrals of patients to the clinic. Federal law restricts the financial relationships that hospitals and clinics may have with doctors who refer patients to them.

In this instance the whistleblower will receive $825,000 for their information.

The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, "If a physician, or a manager at a nursing home, a rehab center, a company providing hospice services, a medical practice group, or a dialysis center has proof of widespread Medicare, or Medicaid fraud, or overbilling at a hospital, or a healthcare company we are urging them to call us anytime at 866-714-6466. We are offering to walk them through how the government's whistleblower program works, and how to get rewarded for their information.

"In many instances we will assist the potential whistleblower package their information with the goal being a much better reward. For starters the whistleblower must be able to prove overbilling, or fraud involving at least $500,000.

"If we are satisfied the whistleblower has meaningful proof we will instantly get them to the nation's top whistleblower lawyers, and law firms. No other group in the nation offers a service this complete, or thorough." http://CorporateWhistleblowerCenter.Com

Simple rules for a whistleblower from the Corporate Whistleblower Center:

* Do not go to the government first if you are a major whistleblower. The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, "Major whistleblowers frequently go to the federal government thinking they will help. It's a huge mistake."
* Do not go to the news media with your whistleblower information. Public revelation of a whistleblower's information could destroy any prospect for a reward.
* Do not try to force a government contractor or corporation to come clean to the government about their wrongdoing. The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, "Fraud is so rampant among federal contractors that any suggestion of exposure might result in an instant job termination, or harassment of the whistleblower. Come to us first, tell us what type of information you have, and if we think it's sufficient, we will help find the right law firms to assist in advancing your information."

The Corporate Whistleblower Center wants to emphasize there are high quality whistleblowers healtcare in every state including California, New York, Florida, Texas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia,Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri, Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota,Nebraska, North Dakota, Kansas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho,Washington, and Alaska.

Any type of insider or employee who possesses significant proof of their employer or a government contractor defrauding the federal government is encouraged to contact Corporate Whistleblower Center anytime at 866-714-6466 or via their web site. http://CorporateWhistleblowerCenter.Com

For attribution please refer to the August 2015 Justice Department press release on this settlement.

Case number: United States ex rel. Moore v. Mercy Health Springfield Communities f/k/a St. John's Health System, Inc., et al.,Case No. 13-3019-CV (W.D. Mo.),

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Contact Information

M. Thomas Martin
Corporate Whistleblower Center
Washington, DC
Voice: 866-714-6466
E-Mail: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website