Executive Touch Worldwide Reveal Goal Setting Strategies
Press Release January 13, 2016
Sales and marketing firm, Executive Touch Worldwide have revealed their effective goal setting strategies and urge businesses to use these techniques for goal setting for the year ahead.

NEW YORK, NY, January 13, 2016 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Executive Touch Worldwide have encouraged their leaders to set new goals for the new year to help motivate them to push their limits and to seek more successes. The firm have outlined their goal setting strategy, which they use on a regular basis for small and large goals:

About Executive Touch: http://executivetouchinc.com/about/

Step 1

Executive Touch Worldwide recommend that entrepreneurs and leaders ask themselves: "What have we achieved compared to the goals we set last year?"

- Did we hit our goals?
- Where are we at today?

The firm believe this should be broken down and re-visited at the end of every quarter to incorporate what they firm achieved and what they learnt.

Step 2

Executive Touch Worldwide advise business professionals to break down each area of development and asses what they think they did well and what they need to improve on. For example:

Recruitment: Admin Training, how confident you are as an admin, writing and ad placing, your understanding of the market and becoming the top recruiter?

Development: Developing a sales force, how many new candidates, leaders and managers are in the group, and how good is the development system?

Administration: Training the admin, paperwork, logistics, and event preparation.
Production: Sales averages, have you been consistent throughout the quarter or year? What is the sales quality like?

Public Speaking: Meeting material, leaders meetings, did you get a chance to speak at events? Can you relate stories to individuals?

Financials: Profit, money banked, and expenses.

Relationships: What are your relationships with other people within the firm like? What about your relationships with mentors, coaches etc.?

Step 3

The firm say business leaders should outline their goals for the next year then break these goals down into each quarter. "What do you want to improve in your business? Where do you want it to be? What directional change do you want from your organization?" asks Executive Touch Worldwide.

The firm believe that now is the perfect time to evaluate the past year and set goals for 2016. Executive Touch Worldwide have shared their own goals for the year: "We will triple in size next year. We will have more promoting owners, maybe even those who aren't even in management yet. 2016 is going to be our year," stated Managing Director James Sagar.

Executive Touch Worldwide have highlighted the importance of goal setting and say that goals are important in order to motivate individuals and give them something to strive towards. "Goal setting gives individuals a sense of purpose," highlights the firm, "and encourages people to leave their comfort zones."

Executive Touch Worldwide is an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in New York. The firm is known for being a super proactive organization, one that grows and performs at the pinnacle of their campaigns. The firm believe that in order to maintain this level of growth they must continue to set new goals and push boundaries. The firm work on behalf of their clients' brands in order to connect with their consumers through direct marketing campaigns. Executive Touch Worldwide connect with consumers on a face-to-face basis which encourages long-lasting and personal business relationships between brand and consumer. This often leads to increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty for their clients.

Executive Touch specialize in face-to-face sales and marketing campaigns, taking their clients' products and service direct to consumers.

Find out more about Executive Touch by following @ExecTouchLtd on Twitter or by 'liking' them on Facebook.

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Contact Information

James Sagar

Executive Touch Worldwide

New York, New York


Telephone: 347 476 8059

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