Be Interactive Pty: Set Goals and Reap The Rewards
Press Release February 25, 2016
Nothing of value was ever achieved without hard work claims Be Interactive. The sales & marketing firm have examined the roles that goal setting and hard work play in success, and offer their contractors some exciting rewards for their efforts.

BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA, February 25, 2016 /24-7PressRelease/ -- In today's world, sales and marketing firm Be Interactive Pty are concerned that hard work is no longer as well respected as it once was. The internet holds many prime examples of this new mentality, with hundreds, if not thousands of sites boasting ways to 'hack' life and achieve tasks with very little effort. However, facing a future where more and more people are set to give up on their goals due to the difficulty involved, Be Interactive Pty are on a mission to reinstate hard work as a positive thing, and to revive the work ethic of yester year. The firm is concerned that unless action is taken to promote the benefits of hard work, even the most dedicated of workers could become disheartened by a general disrespect of hard work and succumb to never reaching their full potential.

About Be Interactive:

To prevent this from happening within their own organisation, Be Interactive Pty have put specialised strategies in place to help keep their contractors motivated and hit targets. The firm is confident that the key to creating and maintaining a strong work ethic lies in effective goal setting. When people have a clear and defined action plan, and are able to visualise the outcome they are working towards, they are able to remain focused and move forward towards a goal at a steady pace. The firm regularly hold workshops with their contractors to help them understand the intricacies of goal setting, and run regular competitions and incentives to allow them to put this knowledge into practice.

The core message of their approach is that hard work will always come with benefits and be rewarded. Whilst the firm do offer a wide range of exciting experiences and bonuses for hard work, such as day trips to national attractions and VIP dinners, Be Interactive Pty believes it is just as important to educate contractors on the personal rewards hard work creates. Hard work builds character; allowing people to learn discipline and build the strength needed to never give up. Hard work also opens up new opportunities, and what many people believe to be luck is actually the result of the greater insight and understanding that comes from increased effort. For many in business though, the biggest benefit of hard work is that it gets results, even if the results aren't what were initially expected. A person may not accomplish their ultimate goal first time, however if they worked hard they would have learnt something along the way, or perhaps created something unexpected which whilst differing from the original aim, holds just as much value. Be Interactive Pty is confident that there is ALWAYS a pay out of some form when a strong work ethic is exercised.

Be Interactive Pty is an ambitious direct sales and marketing firm based in Brisbane. The firm works on behalf of brands, organising and running engaging face-to-face campaigns designed to boost sales and improve customer relationships. To maintain growth and continue to deliver exceptional results to clients the firm are always developing new ways to motivate and inspire their workforce to set goals and work hard. The firm set aside time each day to sit down with their contractors and help them expand their goal setting abilities and reach their own personal goals.

For more information follow @BeInteractiveAU on Twitter and 'like' them on Facebook.

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Contact Information

Eddie Brennan

Be Interactive

Brisbane, Queensland


Telephone: 0420 523 203

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