CloudVault Health Launches the First Healthcare-specific Software Solution to Find, Protect PHI Across Organization Network
Press Release March 3, 2016
Hospitals, clinics and associated businesses can now find and monitor movement & sharing of sensitive information across all enterprise end points

ATLANTA, GA, March 03, 2016 /24-7PressRelease/ -- A patented technology solution that discovers, classifies, and protects at-risk private healthcare information (PHI) across any healthcare organizations' enterprise -regardless of the number of end-user points- is now available from CloudVault Health (CVH). The first healthcare-specific PHI solution is ideal for use by hospitals, the full range of clinical settings, laboratories, and any business associate entities that provide services in support of healthcare organizations.

CloudVault Health CEO Richard Nelli characterizes the new technology as a common sense first step in protecting sensitive PHI from both unintended disclosure and malicious breaches. "The CloudVault Health solution is a foundational step in effectively managing and protecting PHI, because it seamlessly scans for and discovers the sensitive data wherever it exists across any designated group of end-points, and then leverages a refined classification process to protect the information and inform the organization about where its PHI is and when and how it's being shared or moved," explains Nelli, "You simply can't protect information if you don't know where it is across your system."

Nelli notes that most existing technology solutions focus exclusively on strengthening the network or application 'security fence' to prevent breaches, while CloudVault Health's patented solution monitors and protects the actual healthcare data itself, even when it moves outside the organization's security fence into associated business domains or even to unauthorized external devices or end points.

PHI risks and accountability grow; penalties and regulations increase
Rusty Gordon, Chairman of CloudVault Health, explains that healthcare and related organizations are now the most targeted industry for cybercriminals and insider threats, due to the monetary value of PHI data compared to the value typically derived from financial-related information. The proliferation of PHI sharing is exponential, further straining traditional data protection. "Every time a patient engages the healthcare system, whether at a hospital, a physician clinic, an outside lab or even a pharmacy, gigabytes of data are created and shared in the name of efficiency and better patient care," explains Gordon. "As this information propagates across the broad and varied healthcare data system, healthcare organizations simply lose track of it, to the point where many organizations that are specifically accountable don't know where all their sensitive data exists across their own networks," said Gordon. Healthcare organizations that know where the information is and can easily monitor its movement will have a distinct advantage in complying with stringent regulations and protecting their brand reputation.

CloudVault Health's unique patented technology enables hospitals, physicians, insurance companies, and related business associates (like outsourced accounting and IT functions) to verifiably comply with HIPAA and Meaningful Use regulations. Knowing where sensitive PHI data is, coupled with maintaining proper system-wide security, significantly reduces the risk of a malicious breach and unintended disclosures. Meanwhile, the industry is being forced to address the proliferation of at-risk PHI through legislation, litigation and increased financial penalties.

CEO Nelli said CloudVault Health is already engaged in deployment discussions with multiple healthcare-related organizations, as well as with IT and IT security services firms expressing strong interest in offering the Cloudvault Health PHI security solution to their healthcare clients.

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Richard Nelli, CEO

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Chuck Eudy

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Chuck Eudy

CECC, Inc.

Marietta, GA


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