All Press Releases for April 03, 2016

1st Line Global Reveals 5 Habits of Successful Millennials

As advocates of entrepreneurship and active supporters of the younger generation, 1st Line Global have revealed 5 habits of successful millennials and outlined how to master these habits.

    WEST PALM BEACH, FL, April 03, 2016 /24-7PressRelease/ -- 1st Line Global believe that it is vital for millennials to want to be successful and for many to aspire to become entrepreneurs. The firm highlight how the economy will rely on the millennial generation to build and develop new businesses and ideas in order to create new jobs and increase consumer spending.

In order to be successful at anything in life, 1st Line Global state that you must develop good habits. These habits start with a single isolate decision to become better at something important and gradually turn into a routine based on subsequent choices to uphold the decision and make it a regular part of your daily or weekly schedule. The firm outlines how it can be easy to develop bad habits which means that millennials must be careful of who they surround themselves with and the goals they aim to pursue.

About 1st Line Global:

1st Line Global has revealed the 5 good habits they believe all millennials should aspire to develop if they wish to be successful entrepreneurs:

Go against the grain

Successful entrepreneurs don't follow the mainstream way of doing things. Just because everyone else is following a certain path, does not mean that it will work for you, highlights 1st Line Global. While there's often more risk on the path less travelled by, there's also increased potential for success.

Develop a morning routine

For entrepreneurs, a routine is crucial for success, states 1st Line Global. Although not every minute of the day needs to be regimented, the firm suggest finding ways to add structure to various parts of the day. Prioritizing important tasks and starting your day on the right foot will really make a difference to how you attack the rest of the day, believes 1st Line Global. The routine should be less about what you do and more about feeling comfortable, confident and prepared, states the firm.

Set clear goals

Clear goal setting is something that requires a concerted effort. Everyone understands the importance of setting goals but few people are actually willing to set aside the time to create these goals. 1st Line Global recommends setting three clear goals per week, and then spending the week working to meet these goals - in addition to normal responsibilities. The firm say this will help to establish priorities and direct energy.

Make networking a way of life

While formal networking events and business conferences can enable natural conversation, 1st Line Global believe that entrepreneurs should be mastering networking in every aspect of life. Networking must be something entrepreneurs think about and do from first thing in the morning until last thing at night. The firm reveal that every entrepreneur should aim to make a habit of calling three contacts per day - including three people whom you don't normally speak to on a daily basis. In order to cultivate strong business relationships the firm highlight the importance of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and talking to new people.

Ask yourself this question

1st Line Global recommend asking yourself this question: "If I could relive today and do any one thing differently, what would it be?" The firm believe that to live with no regrets is foolish as this will allow no room for improvement. By asking this question, you can identify weaknesses and correct them before they have serious impact, states the firm.

1st Line Global is an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Florida. The firm works on behalf of their clients' brands in order to deliver personalized marketing campaigns directly to consumers, increasing customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty.

1st Line Global work closely with millennials who aspire to be successful entrepreneurs in order to help them develop successful skill-sets in leadership, sales, management, and much more.


1st Line Global are direct marketing specialists who deliver a high return on investment for their clients. For more information Follow @1stLineGlobal on Twitter and Like them on Facebook.

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Jaemes Hunt
1st Line Global
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