All Press Releases for April 25, 2016

The White Label Firm Reviews 3 Ways to Improve your Emotional Intelligence

Experts in outsourced sales and marketing The White Label Firm reviews three fundamental ways people can sharpen their emotional intelligence - a key indicator for success in both business and personal life.

    JERSEY CITY, NJ, April 25, 2016 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The White Label Firm argues that emotional intelligence, otherwise known as EQ, can be fostered through personal qualities such as perseverance, self-control and skills in getting along with others. The firm believes that hiring managers should look for people who already possess high EQ scores, as more often than not they are well-rounded individuals whose positive qualities also spill over into their personal lives.

About The White Label Firm:

Indeed, workers with high levels of emotional intelligence are better suited to working in teams and adjusting to change, thanks to their specific set of skills that transcend a variety of different industries. The White Label Firm places huge importance on the emotional qualities of their work force. They believe that no matter how many degrees or qualifications a person has, if he or she doesn't have certain emotional qualities, they are unlikely to succeed in business - especially sales and marketing. This is because a customer's emotional reaction to an advert or sales pitch could mean the difference between them making the purchase or simply walking away.

From the ability to sell, to networking prowess, The White Label Firm believes that EQ affects all aspects of our professional lives. Here, the firm highlights some ways in which we can improve our own emotional intelligence:

1. Staying cool

Changes in body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure have been discovered to be great indicators of stress. The White Label Firm suggests taking a breather, or getting some fresh air to return to the original situation with a new outlook.

2. Walking a mile in another person's shoes

The White Label Firm argue that other people are the biggest drivers of negative emotional reactions, and their opinions, judgments, requests and demands can be enough to drive us crazy. In this situation, the firm suggests that we should try to look at it from that person's perspective, exploring all angles to ensure that we see all the possible motivations before making a measured response. The White Label Firm utilizes this theory in a positive manner when interacting with customers, in order to understand their journey to a potential purchase, and to address any potential buying concerns they might have.

3. Have a plan B, C, D...

The White Label Firm suggests that it is impossible to manage emotions without preparing for what's next, as being reactionary is a sure-fire recipe for negative, overly emotional reactions. Practice dealing with all variations of customers in a range of different buying situations to avoid being caught off guard when the situation happens in real life!

The White Label Firm is an outsourced sales and marketing company based in Jersey City, New Jersey. The firm specializes in a unique form of direct sales and marketing which involves creating personalized campaigns that accurately represent their clients' brands. The idea of these campaigns is to connect with consumers on a personal basis through face-to-face marketing techniques, which helps to create long-lasting business connections between brand and consumer. This often leads to increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty for their clients. The firm support Millennials in creating the habits needed to thrive as entrepreneurs.

The company uses emotional intelligence to tap into the mindset of consumers, and understand their wants and needs. The firm receptively detects the emotions of customers face-to-face, and assists them in a way that reflects the brand values they uphold.


The White Label firm specialize in unique marketing techniques. For more information Follow @WhiteLabel_16 on Twitter and Like them on Facebook.

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The White Label Firm
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