All Press Releases for October 23, 2016

Multitasking Could Be More Damaging To Your Business Than You Think, Warns UKAUS Pty

For years professionals have strived to excel at multitasking, but UKAUS Pty warns of the detrimental impact it can have on business, as successful multitasking is in fact a myth.

    SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, October 23, 2016 /24-7PressRelease/ -- UKAUS Pty are looking for fellow businesses to avoid the common pitfalls of multi-tasking, and to understand how human brain functionality isn't designed to multitask efficiently. With many individuals trying to prove the value of human worth in an increasingly digital age, people feel under pressure to perform tasks adequately under pressurised time constraints. UKAUS Pty is keen to dispell the myth that multitasking makes an individual more efficient. Instead, they want entrepreneurs to understand that multitasking temporarily changes the brain's operations, and how it is detrimental to an individual's capabilities:

The two hemispheres of the brain start working independently - the prefrontal cortex controls the implementation of actions needed for humans to tackle a task. When tackling said task, the brain can split into two sides, and the number of assignments active will determine how the two frontal cortexes react. When a single duty is present, the two parts of the brain work together to tackle a job effectively. However, when more than one task takes place, the mind splits into two regions, and they work independently. Scientists have found they are capable of completing both tasks. However, there is no evidence for improved output.

Significantly increased error rate - findings, however, demonstrated that when more than two tasks assigned, the brain forgets to process actions needed to complete the activity. The frontal cortex neglects one job to maintain the ability to accomplish two objectives. Participants have also demonstrated three times the number of mistakes when attempting to tackle three separate tasks at once.

About UKAUS Pty:

The more complex, the more difficult - human brains are programmed to cope with multiple simple tasks adequately. However, tasks that require full attention are not to be mixed, as this is why people are not allowed to drive while on the telephone. The brain can neglect one task posing a greater risk of an accident. UKAUS Pty. believe leaders should avoid loading people with multiple intense tasks to ensure that the maximum quality output is achieved.

Multitasking overwhelms the brain - the human brain has a maximum capacity, therefore when multitasking it is crucial to remember there is no increase in capability to complete tasks - instead, the ability is split across many tasks reducing the output and quality rate. UKAUS Pty strives to achieve a working environment that promotes quality of work in a setting that offers support to ensure output speed is realistic and attainable.

Based in Sydney, UKAUS Pty is an ambitious outsourced sales and marketing solution for businesses that are looking to boost their weekly sales targets and build their customer base by offering a personalised, face-to-face customer experience. To counterbalance the rise of faceless, automated customer service more businesses are enlisting the help of firms such as UKAUS Pty.


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