All Press Releases for October 29, 2016

Executive Marketing Media Review the Key Points From the Final Presidential Debate

Quincy-based direct marketing specialists, Executive Marketing Media has reviewed the key points and reviewed who won in the

    QUINCY, MA, October 29, 2016 /24-7PressRelease/ -- With this being the last chance for the republican and democratic nominees to make their pitch to the American public, it was make or break for both candidates as they tried to persuade the voters that they should be trusted with the presidency.

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After the half hour of the nitty-gritty policy debate on the Supreme Court, gun rights, abortion and immigration, Mr Trump lashed out calling Mrs Clinton a liar and a "nasty woman" and accused the Clinton campaign of being behind the recent sexual assault allegations aimed at Mr Trump, as well as accusing the media of "poisoning the minds" of the public. Mrs Clinton was also put on the defensive at times where she was asked about the Clinton Foundation emails scandal and the embarrassing details revealed in the Wikileaks hack.

After a discussion of their tax proposals, Mr Trump went after Mrs Clinton on her past support of trade deals. When Mrs Clinton began to waffle, Mr Trump tried to use a line from an earlier debate about Mrs Clinton enacting her economic reforms over her 30 years in the public sphere. "You were very much involved in every aspect of this country," he said. "And you do have experience. I say the one thing you have over me is experience, but it's bad experience, because what you've done has turned out badly," said Mr Trump. However this time Mrs Clinton had a strong retort, stating that she was defending children's rights in the 1970s, while Mr Trump was defending himself against charges he engaged in housing discrimination against African-Americans. Going one step further to damage the character of Mr Trump, Mrs Clinton stated that while she was speaking out for women's rights in her role as first lady in the 1990s, Mr Trump was taunting a beauty contest winner about her weight. And when she was in the White House situation room watching the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound, Mr Trump was hosting a television reality show.

During the "fitness" portion of the debate, Mrs Clinton was asked to defend the Clinton Foundation against allegations it was a pay-to-play organization that granted insider access to the State Department in exchange for big-money donations. Mrs Clinton defended the foundation's actions, outlining its high ratings from non-profit watchdogs and its global health efforts. Mr Trump called it a "criminal enterprise", however Mrs Clinton was able to flip the spotlight onto Mr Trump's foundation, which has had its own share of controversies.

Towards the end of the debate, the headline-grabbing subject of election rigging was brought to light. Despite Mr Trump's talk of rigged voting at his rallies this week, he was asked whether he would follow his running mate's lead and pledge to accept the results of the election. Mr Trump relied with a non-conclusive answer stating, "I will look at it at the time," he said. "I'm not looking at anything now."

The subject of rigged voting sparked a tirade by Mr Trump against a media that "poisoned the minds of voters" and Mrs Clinton, who he said should have been prohibited from even running for the presidency. Mrs Clinton's responded to the tirade saying that Mr Trump's remarks were "horrifying".

According to a CNN/ORC poll of debate watchers, Mrs Clinton was victorious. 52% of viewers thought Mrs Clinton did the best job, to 39% that thought Mr Trump won. Those margins are tighter than in the first two debates. After the first debate, 62% of those who watched said Mrs Clinton won, with just 27% saying Mr Trump, followed by a 57% Mrs Clinton to 34% Mr Trump margin for the town hall debate.

Executive Marketing Media have watched every debate ahead of the forthcoming election and they are urging everyone who is eligible to go to the polls and cast their vote on November 8 2016.

Executive Marketing Media works closely with Fortune 500 companies to deliver custom-made marketing campaigns that are personalized to suit the needs of their clients. While the firm does not want to influence anyone's vote, they are encouraging every individual in America that has the right to vote to get out and exercise their vote.


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