WILMINGTON, NC, November 18, 2016 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Fear is the most debilitating state any person can experience. Fear lies at the very core of every negative mind state a human being might experience. As demonstrated in the last few days, even something as common as a Presidential election can strike mortal fear into the hearts of large segments of the public. But it goes far beyond that.
Fear affects every area of our lives. There are the almost universal fears of sickness, old age and death. We fear changes in our relationships with other people, other countries, other races and other philosophies. Some of us are afraid of the big movements in the stock market, big money, big pharma or big government. Large dogs. Small snakes. Tiny germs, viruses and bacteria. A spot on our nose. A pain in the chest. Our own thoughts. The list of the things we fear is endless.
We fear all of these things (and more) because we believe we are vulnerable.
But what if fear did not exist? How would our lives change? What if we knew, conclusively and beyond any doubt, that there is no reason to fear - anything at all? Many of us would call that "heaven". That is precisely the message Brian McLaughlin, author of 'A Flight Without Wings' offers to his audience. His message is not hopeful. It offers no room for uncertainty. His message is based in certainty and fact. It is a message that everyone needs to hear, as his simple message holds the power to change the world and everyone and everything in it.
Brian McLaughlin shows us clearly in his book how we can experience a life filled with peace in the midst of discord. We can find freedom from fear when faced with uncertainty. We can overcome any form of anxiety, even while facing down threats from within and without. Depression, despair and dismay can easily be transformed into peace, confidence, contentment and joy in one single stroke. What is this most powerful concept that will allow us achieve these states?
The key is to accept that the afterlife really does exist - without question. This has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with truth. While the afterlife cannot be proven using a scientific method based in the physical, it can be proven through one's experience. McLaughlin is one of very few people who have had that experience. He speaks from that experience and his readers and audiences reap the benefits.
'A Flight Without Wings' offers readers a look at the near death experience from an unbiased point of view. It is the presentation of the material that sets this book apart from the other books about the near death experience. It is raw and it's real. There is no embellishment and no hidden agenda. While his book has a spiritual flavor certainly, there is no preaching and no religious messages. It is his near-death experience, just as it happened.
McLaughlin's experience changed the course of his life forever. It instilled in him what we all seek - certainty about life after death. And with that a peace of mind that can never be shaken, nor can it be doubted. His near death experience brought a sense of clarity. It brought a sense of real, lasting peace. He now knows with certainty that we exist forever. It is that simple message he brings to his audience, both through his book and at his speaking engagements and in his media appearances.
McLaughlin admits: "I have allowed myself to explore and realize a certain amount of Freedom from Fear. It is one of those benefits I describe in my book. Imagine being able to approach a given situation fearlessly. Remove the fear of: failure, of embarrassment, of rejection... the list goes on. Fear often holds us back from success. We will retreat in the face of it and lose opportunities to better relationships, change our work performance, and most importantly improve ourselves.
"Fear is like a silent killer of opportunity and advancement. Though just a 'notion' in our minds, it has powerful consequences on our behavior. Overcoming it can start out a simple as you might accept.
"Give in to displaying a smile to someone who might otherwise intimidate you. Anticipation of the result, whether it be rejection or embarrassment will be evident right away. Should you receive a negative response, just excuse it as the person having a bad day. Don't pass up the next opportunity.
"A collection of these simple yet effective events will discipline you to face fear, which is all important in overcoming it. My suggestion in severe cases is to approach it in baby steps... little by little. My experience is that the results come faster than the efforts"
Brian's upcoming media engagements include:
November 14 - Co-Host on Chapters Rap Show (MadhouseTV.com), focus on youth hero (autistic) who ran NYC marathon and an interview with Young Starr, an advocate for victims of domestic violence.
November 15 - Speaking engagement at ATRIA Senior Community, focus on fearlessness.
Brian was chosen as one of '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading' in 2015. He has again been chosen as a finalist in the 2016 '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading' awards. Reviews of 'A Flight Without Wings' have been overwhelmingly positive. Dr. Penny Sartori, author of 'The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences', said "This book will help others who have had an NDE to make sense of their experience and will also help those close to someone who has had an NDE because NDEs affect close family members and friends too."
Jack Magnus, a reviewer with Readers Favorite, called the book a "well written and moving memoir that neither delves into the fanciful or dogmatic,..." "...Well worth reading, and is highly recommended." Another stated, "Being a mother who lost her only child I found it to be a great comfort to me." Another said, "I have read many accounts such as these, but this beautifully written account simply touched my heart in ways that previous ones have not."
Mark Feuerstein, Actor (Royal Pains, USA Network) wrote: "I have read it and I think it's an inspiring tale of deep insight and so personal and yet so universal . . . such profound perspective."
Brian McLaughlin is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at bamplaya@msn.com. 'A Flight Without Wings' is available at Amazon, Payhip and other book retailers. Those who wish to read his entry and vote in this year's '50 Great Writers' awards can do so at http://www.theauthorsshow.com. More information is available on his website at: http://www.BrianMcLaughlinBooks.com.
Brian McLaughlin is the award-winning author of 'A Flight Without Wings'. In his inspirational book, Brian vividly depicts his journey into Heaven and his following return to life caused by a massive head trauma sustained while vacationing in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico twenty-one years ago.
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Contact Information
Brian McLaughlin
Brian McLaughlin
Wilmington, NC
Telephone: 910-842-9248
Email: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website