Press Release March 10, 2008
Astrologer Alex Miller-Mignone's unique "Black Hole Astrology" predicts election outcomes with amazing accuracy in the online astrology magazine Look at these predictions from early 2007, over a year ago.

/24-7PressRelease/ - RICHMOND, CA, March 10, 2008 - In February 2007, Alex wrote:
"Obama also has three very distinct connections with the USA chart. Venus at 1 Cancer is conjoined both the USA Venus at 3 Cancer and its Jupiter at 5 Cancer, which may give him an advantage with women's support and fundraising (both Venus), and attract the nation with his political philosophy (Jupiter) of compromise and cooperation. Additionally, his Mars at 22 Virgo exactly conjoins the nation's Neptune, and his Saturn at 25 Capricorn is closely conjunct the USA Pluto at 27 Capricorn. If Obama's passion (Mars) can inspire us (Neptune), he may well attain the most powerful (Pluto) executive office (Saturn) in the world."

In March 2007, Alex wrote:
"Although he is the acknowledged front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination as of this writing, and he has taken pains of late to ingratiate himself with GOP power brokers inside the beltway and their evangelical base, McCain's path to the White House is by no means a smooth one. There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip, and a year in politics can be a very long time indeed."

In April 2007, Alex wrote:
"A divisive, controversial figure, Hillary Rodham Clinton certainly has the talent, intelligence and experience to lead the nation. Whether she has the persuasive skills, ability to compromise and temperament necessary to lead successfully remains to be seen. But she may never get that chance, given the state of American elections, even if she receives her party's nomination."

About is a monthly online astrology magazine founded by noted astrologer Maya del Mar. Alex updates his election predictions in the current issue, For further information please contact us at 510.215.9960.

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