All Press Releases for March 19, 2017

Metro MediSpa Offers 4 Things You Need to Know About Vitamin D and Your Health

Dr. Connie Odom of Metro MediSpa in Wilmington NC provides helpful information on Vitamin D and how we can improve our health.

    WILMINGTON, NC, March 19, 2017 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. Its discovery is credited to Edward Mellanby in 1919 when he discovered that a trace factor in cod liver oil could help cure rickets. Elmer McCollum followed up on Mellanby's work and labeled this trace factor vitamin D. This article will teach you a little more about this vital vitamin.

Helps the Body Use Calcium and Phosphorous

One of the primary roles of this vitamin is to help the body absorb calcium and phosphorous. Both of these minerals promote healthy bone and tooth growth. Vitamin D also signals to the kidneys to deposit these minerals into the bones and when they should be extracted and used elsewhere.

Your Body Can Produce It

Unlike most vitamins, your body can produce vitamin D itself. Exposure to sunlight stimulates the production of this essential vitamin in your body. Experts believe that just a short period in the sun every day allows your body to produce enough vitamin D to meet the recommended daily allowance (RDA) which is 0.01mg for both men and women.

Sources Found in Foods

Although it is possible to get your RDA of this vitamin from sunlight alone, you can source it from food as well. Fatty fish and fish oils such as cod liver oil are a particularly rich source. Dairy products such as butter, eggs, and milk also contain a good level of this vitamin. Therefore, if you do not get out in the sun much, perhaps you should consider adding some of these foods to your diet.

Deficiency Can Lead to Bone Problems

Not getting enough of this vitamin can cause your bones to become weak making them bend, swell and fracture. A vitamin D deficiency in children can also delay teething.

Overdosing is Harmful to Your Body

There are some adverse side effects associated with getting too much of this vitamin. The most significant of these is elevated blood calcium levels which can result in calcium being deposited in vital organs leading to permanent damage. Diarrhea and nausea are two other unpleasant side effects associated with overdosing on vitamin D. If you are currently taking this vitamin in supplement form remember that more is not better in this case.

"A better understanding of the vital nutrients your body needs will help you make better choices about the foods you eat," says Dr. Connie Odom. "A healthy lifestyle is an essential part of living a long life."

Owned and operated by Connie Odom, M.D., Board Certified Anesthesiologist and American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Certified Physician. Metro MediSpa has changed the way cosmetic procedures are performed by introducing the first medically directed mobile spa in the Southeast.

Through anti-aging medicine along with advanced cosmetic treatments, our experienced team of medical professionals is committed to bringing the beauty of an improved appearance and an inner age defying wellness to all.

Motivated by the belief that health and wellness effects all areas of one's life and having the knowledge in safe and effective cosmetic treatments, the staff at Metro Medispa can help people correct imperfections that had become uncomfortably noticeable.

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Contact Information

Connie Odom, MD
Metro Medispa
Wilmington, NC
Voice: 919-322-8776
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