TUCSON, AZ, June 03, 2017 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The script is an original written and directed by Cherelynn Baker, an alumni of the University of Arizona film program. Ms Baker has recently completed a documentary, NASCAR NIGHTS about why women love NASCAR. When asked about inspiration for writing the script, Cherelynn replied "If you can't trust a teddy bear, who can you trust?".
BEARLY stars local Tucson talent, Paul Loh, Gia Gerardo, and James Gorday.
The story is about a Tucson tea shop with an elderly Asian man who inherited the business from his parents. He sells tea, curios, candy and stuffed animals. Sometimes at the tea shop , the customers get more than they bargained for. BEARLY film will feature a scene done in the American Sign Language with subtitles for those who don't speak sign.
BEARLY is produced by Arizona based production company, Lions Rest and has hired on military veterans to the production.
For more information please click here: http://bearlyfilm.com and http://facebook.com/bearlyfilm
Lions Rest
2440 Hwy 95
Suite B #445
Bullhead City AZ 86442
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