WILMINGTON, NC, June 08, 2017 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Most of us believe death is the end. We dread the mention of the subject. It is our greatest fear and so it comes as no surprise that we look for ways to deal with it. Not surprisingly, many of us believe in an afterlife or, at the very least, hope there is an afterlife. But where is the proof?
CARE Certified Medium and author Pat Chalfant knows, beyond any shadow of doubt, that the afterlife exists. For Pat and many of her students and clients, the proof lies in the experiences they have shared.
"I had worked for several months as office manager for several young men who owned a very successful advertising business in LA," Pat stated. "I was just beginning to think I might study mediumship at that time, but I hadn't started to study yet. I was doing some publicity for mediums at that time and had gotten a piece printed in a tabloid about Barry Laine, who was a fabulous medium my husband Jay and I had discovered at a Spiritualist church in Los Angeles."
"I took Betty, a girl from my office, to several of Barry's Friday evening meetings. She was tremendously impressed with his ability. The meeting of Barry's that will forever remain in my memory was when I went on ahead to Barry's meeting after work one Friday without Betty who had told me she was busy talking with Steve, one of the partners who owned the business. He had seemed quite agitated that day but I hadn't been told why."
"I later sat in the meeting place with a dozen or so others waiting for the service to begin and wondering if Betty might not make it after all. Suddenly, just before Barry opened the session, Betty and Steve entered and sat in the front row almost in front of the podium where Barry always stood. In a few moments Barry entered and started the service. We sang hymns, Barry spoke, there was prayer and then the message part of the service began."
"Barry immediately pointed at Steve, asked permission to read for him and began the messages. Barry Laine told Steve that he and his wife would soon be divorced, in fact that Steve had just been told about it by his wife the night before and that she now knew about his affairs (such as the 'girls' that everybody in our office knew the guys often 'lunched with' just down the street from the office) and several other such problems that they had quarreled over. Barry was quite specific about what Betty and Steve had spoken about. He also told Steve that he had always been a skeptic but that Steve would no longer be one because he, Barry, was correct about everything he was telling Steve."
"We didn't expect what happened next. Steve, looking shocked and overcome with amazement, turned to all of us in the audience and confirmed about himself what Barry Laine could not have known before this service because he, Steve, had only just told Betty about it a couple of hours before the meeting. Furthermore, we learned from Steve that Betty had never left Steve's presence until they arrived at Barry's service where Barry had now described it all publicly so that everyone knew now what Steve had told Betty."
"I have never seen anyone as amazed as Steve was that night. Here was airtight proof of mediumship resulting from something that nobody could have told the medium beforehand because Betty was the only person Steve had told so far and she had never been out of Steve's sight, and absolutely nowhere near a phone to secretly inform Barry of what she'd learned about Steve and his wife. To give Steve credit, he made sure that everyone there heard him as he confirmed what Barry had said so that we all understood that Barry was what he claimed to be, an incredible and marvelously accurate medium. I was so glad I got to experience that. It was an open-and-shut case and something not ever to be forgotten by anyone who experienced it."
"Mediums work with guides who are on the Other Side of Life, so this happening was proof of life after death, as well as proof of the amazing accuracy of Barry Laine. If you're looking for proof of life after death, attend a Spiritualist church. You just may have a medium bring an identification message from someone you were close to before their death which will convince you that it's really them and that they are, indeed, still alive. I became a medium in a Spiritualist church so I know that happens with regularity in Spiritualist churches."
Pat's inspirational book, 'Spirit Lights A Path To Mediumship', explains how Pat, a real skeptic regarding such matters, developed mediumship abilities and now lives a life transformed by the spiritual. The book has 7 5-star reviews. Mediumship is a controversial issue and Pat understands this, but she also believes that credible mediumship holds the promise of real benefits for mankind that have not been fully explored.
She has written a column on parapsychology and interviewed Hollywood stars and the psychics who read for them for a national newspaper. Other topics she's taught and written about are: past life therapy, death and dying, the Edgar Cayce work, the Cathars, and Spiritual healing.
The Association for Past Life Research and Therapies newsletter published a series of her interviews with psychiatrists, psychologists, and hypnotherapists who were all west coast pioneers of past life therapy. She also teaches internationally online and intermittently hosts an online Spiritualist circle, Spirit Lights Chapel.
Pat offers one-on-one client readings arranged via email, and offers classes in mediumship. She hosts a Youtube channel that offers information on mediumship. All are now available at her site.
Pat's online courses are exactly like the ones she teaches regularly in a classroom setting in Portland,Oregon. These classes are held online so that anyone can take part no matter where they might be in the world. Students receive one-on-one, private instruction - instead of sharing instruction with a group of students. This approach can produce results in a shorter amount of time.
Private psychic readings can be done over the phone and can be scheduled by email.
Pat Chalfant is currently appearing on The Authors Show. Her interview is available now at The Authors Show site. 'Spirit Lights A Path To Mediumship' is available at her website and at Amazon. Pat is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at [email protected]. She is also available for inspirational lectures. More information can be found at her website at http://www.patchalfant.com.
Oregon Spiritualist Medium Pat Chalfant's amazing psychic gifts have helped hundreds of individuals worldwide. Pat has written a column on parapsychology and interviewed Hollywood stars and the psychics who read for them for a national newspaper. Other topics she's taught and written about are: past life therapy, death and dying, the Edgar Cayce work, the Cathars, and Spiritual healing.
The Association for Past Life Research and Therapies newsletter published a series of her interviews with psychiatrists, psychologists, and hypnotherapists who were all west coast pioneers of past life therapy. Pat believes that series is destined to become a book.
She teaches internationally online and intermittently hosts an online Spiritualist circle, Spirit Lights Chapel.
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Contact Information
Pat Chalfant
Pat Chalfant
Wilmington, NC
Telephone: 910-842-9248
Email: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website