All Press Releases for March 24, 2008

Autism: The Next Generation

As the epidemic of autism continues, more autistic patients are becoming of marriageable age and beginning to have children. The fate of these children needs to be addressed as a major public health concern. Support is needed for enrolling children of autistic parents in an ongoing clinical trial.

    /24-7PressRelease/ - BURBANK, CA, March 24, 2008 - A new facet of the autism epidemic is emerging. It is the plight of children born to autistic parents. This point was driven home to me as autistic children were being recruited for an investigational study that is evaluating enerceutical activation of the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway in various disease conditions, including autism. A simple non-invasive procedure for activating the ACE pathway has been shown to be very effective in suppressing both active and latent herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections. It is also designed to suppress stealth adapted viruses which, unlike conventional herpes viruses, are not actively resisted by the body's immune system. Although still ignored by many in the autism community, there is solid scientific support for prenatal infection with stealth adapted viruses as the underlying cause of autism in the vast majority of affected children.

I have previously noted the high incidence of fatiguing illnesses, such as the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), among mothers of autistic children. This observation is consistent with the premise that while stealth adapted viruses can cause CFS in adults; these same viruses being passed from mother to child can damage the developing brain so as to render a child susceptible to autism.

I now wish to report that several of the parents of children currently being recruited into the ACE pathway activation study are, themselves, on the autism spectrum. This is not unexpected as an increasing number of autistic individuals are now entering their 20's and becoming parents. The clinical investigator on the ACE pathway activation project was struck, however, by the severity of neurological/behavioral illnesses among the children of autistic parents; and the enormous difficulties being faced by these parents in caring for their children. Unlike the more publicized internet savvy, politically outspoken, upper middle class parents of many autistic children, these autistic families are floundering under the pressures of both economic and emotional deprivation. The parents have limited skills in even accessing basic social disability and healthcare services. Reading and writing are commonly beyond their capabilities and, for many families, the responsibility for essential household management falls to grandparents or neighbors. It is to be hoped that from within the competing autism support groups, much needed resources will be urgently directed towards autism's second generation.

The best answer to this growing problem will be effective therapy for both the parents and their affected children. Tax deductible donations are urgently needed to help offset the costs of enrolling additional impoverished autistic patients in the current clinical trial. For more information about the clinical trail, the ACE pathway and stealth adapted viruses, please go to the medical commentary section on autism at or send an e-mail to

Kind regards, W. John Martin, MD, PhD. Institute of Progressive Medicine, Burbank CA 91502

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W John Martin
Institute of Progressive Medicin
Burbank, CA
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