All Press Releases for September 12, 2018

Mesothelioma Compensation Center Now Urges Navy Submarine Veterans or Nuclear Power Workers with Mesothelioma to Call for Instant Access to The Nation's Top Lawyers for Better Compensation Results

The Mesothelioma Compensation Center fears that Navy Veterans who served on a submarine or nuclear power workers with mesothelioma will typically not get the top compensation settlement results because they hired unqualified lawyers.

"Our top priority for people like this is that they receive the very best possible financial compensation, which could easily exceed one million dollars as we would like to discuss anytime"

    NEW YORK, NY, September 12, 2018 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The Mesothelioma Compensation Center says, "We are the nation's leading advocate for US Navy Veterans or nuclear power plant workers who now have mesothelioma because of asbestos exposure on a nuclear submarine or at a nuclear power plant. Our top priority for people like this is that they receive the very best possible financial compensation, which could easily exceed one million dollars as we would like to discuss anytime at 800-714-0303. For very special people like this, we offer on-the-spot access to the nation's most skilled and capable mesothelioma lawyers, who are either a senior partner or the managing partner of their law firm." http://MesotheliomaCompensationCenter.Com

The group wants to emphasize that many nuclear power plant workers were initially trained in a US Navy school called 'Nuke School' on how to maintain and operate a nuclear reactor. Many people may not be aware that aside from nuclear submarines and nuclear aircraft carriers, the US Navy also had a small fleet of nuclear powered cruisers.

US Navy Veterans who had experience maintaining nuclear reactors are frequently highly sought after by operators of nuclear power plants. A mesothelioma compensation claim involving a Nuclear Navy Veteran who also worked at a nuclear power plant could potentially be worth millions of dollars in compensation as the Mesothelioma Compensation Center would like to discuss anytime at 800-714-0303.

According to the Mesothelioma Compensation Center, "However, to get a million dollars or more in compensation for mesothelioma, it is imperative the Navy Veteran/Nuclear power worker with mesothelioma be represented by some of the nation's leading mesothelioma attorneys. We offer on-the-spot access to some of these remarkable lawyers. As a rule, if a person like this calls us at 800-714-0303, we can have a senior partner or managing partner of one the most prestigious mesothelioma law firms in the home of a person like this within 48 hours. There is no charge for the services of the lawyers we suggest unless there has been a financial compensation settlement." http://MesotheliomaCompensationCenter.Com

For a chart of all current operation US Navy Submarines please review the Popular Mechanics chart:

For a listing of US nuclear power plants that have shut down or soon will shutdown please review the following website:

The Mesothelioma Compensation Center specializes in assisting US Navy Veterans, power plant workers, shipyard workers, oil refinery workers, public utility workers, hydro-electric workers, chemical plant workers, nuclear power plant workers, manufacturing workers, oil and gas field production workers, plumbers, electricians, millwrights, pipefitters and welders who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. In most instances these people were exposed to asbestos during the1950's, 1960's, 1970's, or 1980's.

According to the CDC the states indicated with the highest incidence of mesothelioma include Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Louisiana, Washington, and Oregon. However, a Navy Veteran or nuclear power worker with mesothelioma could live in any state including California, New York, Florida, Texas, Missouri, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, or Alaska. http://MesotheliomaCompensationCenter.Com

For more information about mesothelioma please refer to the National Institutes of Health's web site related to this rare form of cancer:

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Contact Information

Michael Thomas
Mesothelioma Compensation Center
New York, New York
Voice: 800-714-0303
E-Mail: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website