Millions Expected Homeless Or Dead By Mega-Quake May 20, 2019 Says Dr. Richard Ruhling
Press Release May 15, 2019
Dr. Richard Ruhling is an expert on Biblical prophecy and is also the author of 'The Alpha & Omega Bible Code'

WILMINGTON, NC, May 15, 2019 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Dr. Richard Ruhling believes we may see a major earthquake on the West Coast on May 20, 2019. His path to this conclusion is based on Biblical prophecy and current events. Dr. Ruhling lays out the evidence as follows:

According to the San Diego Union Tribune, "As many as 75 state, local and federal agencies held a four-day drill last May on how to receive a massive number of evacuees from populated areas such as San Diego, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, that sit along the San Andreas fault."

Seismologists cited by the LA Times have estimated the risk of a major earthquake at 85-99% over a period of several years (10-22-15)

The Bible has three reasons for serious events in 2019. Early Christians understood Christ's warning to flee Jerusalem when they saw the Roman army under Cestius in 66 AD, 3 1/2 years before Titus' siege.

The pope came to Congress 3 1/2 years ago 'standing where he ought not' in Mark 13:14 The pope wants laws suggested by Laudato Si' that favor business closure on Sunday to cut green house gases and encourage people to attend the Eucharist. Nevertheless, "Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion."

We may not see the Roman army like Titus 3 1/2 years after Cestius, but what mean the 1.4 mile-long trainload of tanks near Sacramento?

The Bible says, "when they shall say, 'Peace and safety,' sudden destruction comes." The pope's peace and brotherhood with Muslims in February and the presidents Peace Plan for Palestinians this week is 'peace and safety' that suggests "the day of the Lord" that is linked to an earthquake, 1Thess 5:2,3; Isaiah 2:12,21.

The third reason for 2019 is May 19. In 1780, it was so dark at noon in New England that people needed lamps to eat or read. Many thought it was "the day of the Lord" foretold in Joel 2 that is linked to an earthquake in verses 10,11.

The 'Dark Day' repeated 200 years later when Mt St Helens erupted (earthquake) Winds put ash over three states on May 19, 1980. Was God marking May 19?

This year May 19/20 is the start of 2nd Passover as clued in Christ's last parables. 'As the days of Noah,' the Flood came with Passover timing, but in the 2nd spring month.

The next parable begins 'Then shall two be in the field...'Then means the same time as the Flood--2nd Passover, like in Egypt when they prayed God would pass over them in judgment.

When five women missed the wedding, Christ said, Watch, a clue for Passover as the only night that being awake was required.

"You don't know the day or hour" is a bad translation of a Hebraic figure of speech as explained here.

Christ told his disciples they didn't understand because it's like a man traveling to a far country. Matthew 25:13,14.

If Israelites took a long trip and couldn't get back for Passover, they were to keep it a month later as provided in their 9-11 law, Numbers 9:10,11 "Till heaven and earth pass" that law is still in effect, Matthew 5:18.

Because the papal (Gregorian) calendar has no relationship between new moons and new months, May 19 falls by coincidence on 2nd Passover once every 30 years. This marks 2019 year as special, coinciding with Christ's last 6 parables for 2nd Passover.

Whether one believes in a pre-tribulation rapture or not, the night, May 19/20, is a time to watch and pray.

Christians who hope to be the "Bride of Christ" must also watch and pray on the night of May 19/20. The wedding parables show a sudden calamity beyond which it is too late to be part of the wedding.

The sudden calamity is seen as the cry at midnight in Matthew 25:6. The Rule of 1st Use shows the cry at midnight as when calamity fell on Egypt in Exodus 12:29,30.

The "remnant" get their city burned in Matthew 22:6,7, King James Bible. That's the sudden event beyond which there is no time to get ready for a man who is thrown out for no wedding garment. He represents preachers who didn't prepare their members.

Preachers are "blind and naked" in Rev 3:17, a message to the aggelos--messenger of the church. The passage is badly translated as 'To the angel of the church' in verse 14. Angels aren't blind or naked, but most pastors don't see the wedding message.

For more information readers may get a no-charge book on May 15,2019 - '9-11: How 9-11 Links in Christ's Last Parables Show How End-Times Begin' at Amazon at . Dr. Ruhling is available for media interviews and can be contacted at

Dr. Richard Ruhling attended a Bible college with a Religion major. The end times have been a special interest for him since attending a prophecy conference 30 years ago. He is an expert on Biblical prophecy and the author of 'The Alpha & Omega Bible Code', 'The Earthquake & the 7 Seals'

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Richard Ruhling

Richard Ruhling

Wilmington, NC


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