WILMINGTON, NC, March 22, 2020 /24-7PressRelease/ -- In the Swine Flu of 1918, 50-100 million died, including half of those who contracted the disease in Europe, but in the US, less than 1% of those admitted to the Battle Creek Sanitarium died, says Richard Ruhling, MD, MPH, board-certified in Internal Medicine. He taught Health Science at Loma Linda University and offers the following information on what made the difference in Battle Creek:
Dr. John Kellogg authored 'Rational Hydrotherapy' and pioneered in natural remedies at a time of medical ignorance that used mercury, arsenic and strychnine. Sanitarium guests included people like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and JC Penney.
The rationale is that white blood cell circulation increases after contrast hot and cold fomentations or baths. Their diet was also different. Kellogg's Cornflakes and Post Toasties originated in the basement of the sanitarium where they prepared cereals and other healthy eating for the guests. Peanut butter was not invented, but was popularized there as better for health on whole wheat toast with applesauce than bacon and eggs or sausage.
Eating habits greatly affect immunity. The phagocytic index (the ability to engulf germs) is greatly reduced by sugar and the average person gets over 35 grams daily in soft drinks and packaged foods. This explains the flu season every winter after holiday eating of cakes and cookies. Fresh fruits and vegetables are known by nutritionists as protective foods.
Fasting also enhances immunity. As a general practice, a good breakfast and midday dinner is best with abstinence for supper so the digestive organs can rest when we sleep and break fast in the morning. It's a key to weight loss because calories that we eat at supper get stored when we aren't burning them at night.
The need for Vitamin C increases under stress, and infection is a stress. It's water soluble, so it goes out in the urine. Taking 250 mg every 3-4 hours is better than 1000 when faced with infection.
Ruhling faced infection. Working an Emergency Room in Riverside, California, he noticed he was getting sick—scratchy throat, runny nose, achy and feeling a chill. He took his temperature and it was normal. But he remembered that in microbiology, they said viruses were killed faster with fever, so he wondered what he could do to get a fever!
Taking a break, he filled a hospital tub with water as hot as he could tolerate, and in 20 minutes, his temperature was 102.5 (F). As the water was running out, he did the Battle Creek treatment and poured cold water, front and back several times—it felt refreshing. He had no vitamin C, but he skipped supper to enhance his immunity.
He saw his patients and as things slowed down about 11 PM, he thought the bath had helped him, so he took another "fever treatment" with a hot bath, finishing with cold water. He slept well and in the morning, he had no symptoms—catching the 'bug' early with a good strategy aborted the flu.
Medical science has admitted that no drug kills a virus. A drug salesman admitted to Ruhling that if the body is losing against an infection, an antibiotic may turn the tide from 49% losing to 51% winning the battle.
With coronavirus, some are promising a cure, but historically, drugs disappoint us and they all have a list of adverse effects, some of which are serious. Why should we risk the drugs when the above measures work?
Even with the Swine Flu, when the Battle Creek Sanitarium was full and they gave instructions on what to do at home, only 4% mortality bested Europe's 50%.
CNN reported kids who died of the flu all had flu shots. "Even on a good year, the effectiveness of the flu vaccine is about 60%. On a bad year, it's as low at 10%," says Dr. Anthony Fauci, National Institutes of Allergy & Infectious Disease. This year is "not a very good match." And now comes the coronavirus. What can a smart person do to beat the odds? https://needtoknow.news/2020/02/ or https://needtoknow.news/2020/02/robert-f-kennedy-jr-on-the-stunning-corruption-in-the-vaccine-industry-that-has-killed-hundreds-of-thousands-of-americans/.
Ruhling notes that medical care and Adverse Drug Reactions are not even mentioned in the CDC list of leading causes of illness and death, though well-supported by medical literature, http://LeadingCauseOfDeathPrescriptionDrugs.com He says we are in bondage to a medical system that is not healthcare! Medical care is the diagnosis and treatment of disease with drugs that adversely affect health in spite of symptomatic relief when we could live better and be well without Rx's.
Billions of dollars are being lost in this crisis as businesses close down due to the real pandemic—fear. It's so needless when natural remedies and supplements like vitamin C, garlic, echinacea, turmeric, colloidal silver can help. If we live well and aren't afraid of the virus (but practiced social distance and hygiene, we would be better off than the fear from media and the control that government agencies are forcing on us as a test, moving toward Global Gov. and tyranny?
For a better understanding, Ruhling recommends his book, 'Health, Happiness & Destiny', available in bookstores and on Amazon where a Top 100 Hall of Fame Amazon Reviewer, Grady Harp, MD, "Highly Recommended" it with 5 stars.
Dr. Ruhling graduated from Loma Linda University medical school and planning for overseas work, took a Masters Degree in Public Health. After Internal Medicine training and board certification, he also had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda's School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a vegan-like diet got reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure.
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Richard Ruhling
Richard Ruhling
Phoneix, AZ
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