Balance Your Life with Soul-Bridge: Toby Evans Returns with the Highly Anticipated Second Episode of Her Acclaimed Online Series, Shares Details About Her New Book
Press Release November 20, 2020
Toby Evans of Sagebrush Exchange is back with Episode Two of the "Soul-Bridge" podumentary. Now more than ever, Way Showers familiar with the inner terrain are needed to help us navigate the 'great divide' we are experiencing in the outer world.
"I really hope my sharing serves as a catalyst for others to go within, to trust and decode the sign-posts and signals that have contributed to their own transformative awakening."

SIBLEY, MO, November 20, 2020 /24-7PressRelease/ -- On December 21, 2019, Toby Evans stunned viewers with the premiere of her "Soul-Bridge" podumentary series. It was an inspirational and entertaining look at Toby's unique spiritual journey. Covering her personal back story, and augmented with her original music, the episode peaked with the dramatic retelling of one of Toby's previous lives as Sagewind (an Osage Indian girl); a lifetime that laid the foundation for her current soul's mission.

Since then, much has changed in the world. The originally planned second episode was set aside in favor of content recorded "in the moment" of 2020. This is not to say that the current show leans heavily on current events—there's time for that later in season one—but Toby is clearly drawing from a very different place now. Different energy means different content.

The acclaimed author and owner of Sagebrush Exchange has a lot to teach us this time around. She discusses sweat lodges, assisting earthbound souls, mazes, labyrinths, and more. Crucial to all of this is the Medicine Wheel, which was a key factor in Toby's purification and spiritual awakening many years ago, and is also the centerpiece of Episode Two. To hear Toby explain galaxies of light, profound pinwheels, strange sparklers, and the unraveling of time itself is something to cherish; something to value. The lessons imparted by Toby Evans are indeed life lessons, but they exist on a completely unusual plane of existence. This is why it's so important to have a strong, enlightened guide like Toby to see us through it all.

Many viewers agree that the Soul-Bridge experience is unlike any other. Toby brings down-to-earth clarity to topics that are normally very hard to understand. The podumentary format has proven ideal for her because it offers such a distinct, but never distracting, visual element. The delicate relationship between Toby's teachings and the images onscreen are vital to the success of Soul-Bridge. It brings personality and poignancy to the show.

"This episode is very special to me," explains Toby Evans. "The experience documented here is obviously a very personal one, but it speaks to us universally. The words, visuals, and music allow the viewer to feel some of what I felt when this was happening to me. We all hold extraordinary puzzle pieces that have shaped us. I really hope my sharing serves as a catalyst for others to go within, to trust and decode the sign-posts and signals that have contributed to their own transformative awakening, and the parts they are here to play."

Episode Two of Soul-Bridge also features two more original songs by Toby Evans; "Purifying Process" and "Universal Heart."

The entire Soul-Bridge series has been rooted in the writings of Toby Evans. Her past books, Dead But Not Gone and Keeper of the Circles have become fan favorites as well as respected, key works in her industry. This week, Toby Evans has officially announced the upcoming release of her new book, Soul-Bridge to Original Light, on her website. With its striking, original cover art the reader is immediately prepared for what lies within; a gripping, spiritual journey that has the power to inspire and transform—much like the Soul-Bridge podumentary itself. This long awaited new release by Toby Evans has documented the 2019 Soul-Bridge mission: To assist large numbers of souls in the crossing over process. These are the souls of people who died and remained here on earth; they come from each of the Four Races (Red, Black, White and Yellow) prevalent throughout American History. It is a continuation of the author's beloved style and subject matter, as well as a spiritual companion piece to the themes and topics covered in Toby's popular Soul-Bridge podumentary discussed above. She fully expects to have this exciting new book installment available for download on her official website before the end of the year.

To view Soul-Bridge Episode Two click here.
To learn more about Toby Evans and her work please visit either of her two websites.

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YouTube Video


SOUL-BRIDGE WITH TOBY EVANS Episode Two: The Labyrinth Portal

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