WILMINGTON, NC, June 18, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Alcohol abuse and drug addiction rates have skyrocketed during the pandemic. And while the pandemic will pass, society will be forced to deal with a level of addiction rates not seen in recent history. The numbers are staggering. That fact, combined with the relatively low recovery rates seen in many traditional recovery programs, means it's likely we are going to be faced with this insidious problem for a very long time.
In regards to recovery, as in any other field, there are generally two types of experts - There are those who have spent many years in school, earned degrees and work in a clinical setting. And there are those too, who have "been there, done that", having earned their stripes through years of hard work and day to day experience remaining clean and sober regardless of what life throws at them. While clinicians other have access to a larger number of resources perhaps, it is the skillful lay person who, with the same addictions, shares a form of intimacy with the addict/alcoholic and understands the issues each must face day by day as they walk the path to recovery. There is a place for both.
Harriet Hunter is proud to claim her place among the latter. She believes there is often a disconnect between traditional recovery programs and those they serve, together with the obvious disconnect between the medical profession many times, and the client seeking alternate options other than opoids and for the alcoholic, the typical cutting back. She hopes there will be a day when more education and emphasis in the medical field will allow for greater understanding of the addict/alcoholic to better serve this population, and through the development of resources that will best support and enhance the addict/alcoholic's journey to recovery.
Hunter is the author of "Miracles of Recovery: Daily Meditations of Hope, Courage, and Faith." The 365-daily inspirational infuses its readers to embrace healthy, positive thoughts and behaviors by taking actions necessary to reinforce a new way of thinking. Tools necessary to maintain sobriety and change one's life through changing one's perspective are also proposed. It suggests that readers "Do life differently," with exercises, solutions, and methods to improve self-esteem, confidence, and embrace a profound sense of hope needed to succeed. Miracles of Recovery offers hope where there is none through a simple program of action for complicated people.
Harriet holds to a single goal: to show others how they can achieve their miracles while staying sober and clean against the odds with a vision and determination to never go backwards, one day at a time.
Using her experience strength and hope, Harriet is a conduit of encouragement to others in their disease of alcoholism and drugs of choice, by showing them what continues to work for her. With practical tools, principles and promises as found in Alcoholics Anonymous and other literature, she mirrors examples of how anyone can be free from addiction.
Harriet says, "The truth is, a person almost has to have received the gift of desperation in order to want to go to any lengths and they must do it for themselves in order to maintain sobriety one day at a time. We who have been in A.A. for some time know without question, that staying sober for the long haul, one day at a time can only be achieved by changing everything.
"If A.A. is not successful, it's not because the program doesn't work, it is invariably because people don't want to change everything and go to any length. Many insist that to stop drinking/using is enough, or others do it to get back to their families and stop suffering. We are undisciplined when it comes to our addictions and feel sure 'other programs' will accomplish the same things and oftentimes, indeed they do. But the same person will drink again every time."
With a purchase of a signed copy of Miracles of Recovery from her website, Hunter provides a no-charge copy of "Your Daily Reprieve; How To Maintain Long-Term Sobriety Serenely Just For Today" in PDF format.
Harriet Hunter has developed a six-module course for individuals who thrive on personal and emotional growth as they seek to connect the dots of their lives entitled, "Journaling with a Purpose!" She hosts two web-based meetings, while delivering videos, offers no-charge gifts, handouts and many prompts that encourages and explains what the writer can expect with each module.
Additionally, a new Miracles of Recovery ZOOM meeting is held the 1st Friday of the month.
Harriet Hunter is available for media interviews and speaking engagements and can be contacted using the information below or by email at [email protected]. More information, including the journaling course, no-charge audios, ebooks, handouts and other resources can be found by visiting https://www.harriethunter.org.
About Harriet Hunter:
With over 21 years of sobriety, Harriet has worked with hundreds of women who suffer with alcoholism and drug addiction to help them find peace in active sobriety. She facilitates weekly AA meetings for women incarcerated, and sponsors women both face-to-face and on line. Readers can find her in the global recovery site, www.InTheRooms.com, where she's been given her own room and brings Miracles to life for others each Sunday at 2;00 P.M.
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Contact Information
Harriet Hunter
Harriet Hunter
Wilmington, NC
Telephone: 910-842-9248
Email: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website