Dr. Thomas Wright Discusses A Common but Poorly Recognized Fat Disease Lipedema on St. Louis on the Air that is Commonly Confused with Obesity
Press Release February 8, 2022
Dr. Wright discussed the challenges so many women encounter trying to get a proper diagnosis and treatment for Lipedema. Lipedema is a fat tissue disorder causing excess accumulation of diseased fat in the legs and arms affecting up to 11% of women.

ST. LOUIS, MO, February 08, 2022 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Dr. Thomas Wright joined Sarah Fenske, host of St. Louis on the Air January 25, 2022, to discuss Lipedema. Dr. Wright discussed the challenges so many women encounter trying to get a proper diagnosis and treatment for Lipedema. Lipedema is a connective tissue disorder causing excess accumulation of diseased fat in the legs, hips and arms and is believed to affect up to 11% of the female population. Despite so many women being affected by this condition, lipedema is poorly understood by the health care community, leaving many women undiagnosed and searching for answers. Dr. Wright stated, "lipedema flies under the radar in part because physicians are hesitant to dig into issues around it. For too much of the medical community, weight is such a touchy subject."

Dr. Wright is committed to bringing attention to this condition and was one of the authors who worked on the first ever recently published guidelines in the US documenting the standard of care for lipedema. In addition, Dr. Wright is collaborating with the Washington University School of Medicine and The Lipedema Foundation on a study currently going on to better understand lipedema's resistance to weight loss and better understand the biology of lipedema.

"We're going to get a better understanding of what makes this fat different," said Dr. Wright.

For more information, press only:
Dawn Simon
Phone Number: 636-445-3001
Email: dawn@wrightvein.org
For more information:

For more information lipedema please go to: https://www.lipedema.net/
For Information about Dr Thomas Wright https://drthomaswright.com/

For more information about the medical research study, please go to Lipedema Foundation who is Funding part of the Study on the effect of diet on the metabolism of lipedema : https://www.lipedema.org/
The Principal Investigator of the Lipedema study is Dr Sam Klein at the Washington University School of Medicine. https://medicine.wustl.edu/ and https://diabetesresearchcenter.wustl.edu/people/samuel-klein-md/

For Social Media Links https://www.facebook.com/LaserLipoAndVeinCenter
To listen to the interview the NPR local affiliate https://news.stlpublicradio.org/show/st-louis-on-the-air/2022-01-25/lipedema-gets-new-attention-from-st-louis-doctors-after-years-of-neglect-misdiagnosis

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Dawn Simon

Lipedema Solution

St Louis, Missouri


Telephone: 636 397 4012

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