Theriz Interviews: Linda Baer of RenovoVita
Press Release June 30, 2022
Empowering and Inspiring Women in Business
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SCOTTSDALE, AZ, June 30, 2022 /24-7PressRelease/ -- To me, nothing can be more inspiring and empowering than seeing creative and business women succeed working with what they love. Today on the blog, I'm interviewing one of these women that life was kind enough to put in my way. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the founder of anti-aging and cellular regeneration company RenovoVita, Linda Baer.

The Interview

1. Hi Linda! It's an honor to have you here today… Could you please tell us a little bit about you and your story, please? Did you always know you wanted to work with beauty and the anti-aging industry? Do you remember a moment in your life and/or the reason that made you choose this professional path? Please, tell us about your background… Did you have a special help or a mentor to guide you in the beginning of your educational choices?

I've spent most of my life interested in science and understanding how the human body works. In college, I studied Pre-Professional Zoology with an emphasis in Chemistry and thought I wanted to go on to study medicine. When I graduated, I went to work for a large pharmaceutical company, Abbott Laboratories. I started out in the field as a sales rep and moved through 9 different jobs over the next 12 years. My goal was to learn as much as possible so that I could one day own my own company. And that is exactly what happened!

I was promoted into corporate and there I really took on responsibilities that enabled me to move on to owning my own Medical Education company. I learned a lot of lessons along the way, at first, I wanted to hire people who were just like me, but over time, I learned I wanted to surround myself with people who knew way more than I did, people who brought skills to the table that I didn't possess! And then together we could dominate.

By this time, I had met my future husband to be on an airplane. We commuted while dating and our first year of marriage and then decided we should live in the same state. That is when I quit my job and moved back to KC and became a full equity partner in ABcomm, Inc a Medical Education company where we put on educational activities for physicians and granted CME credit. When I joined ABcomm, they were doing only $240,000/annually and I grew that business to $28M (my job was to bring in business) and conducted 6,000 educational events/year for a total of over 50,000 activities!

During this time an unexpected twist of life happened and I lost my husband tragically right before my eyes in a diving accident. It was the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. My whole outlook on life changed and I learned and always want to share with others that life is still beautiful and amazing even after tragic events happen in life.

I also changed my outlook on medicine and staying healthy and prevention became my passion. Instead of going to the doctor once you are sick, I wanted to help people live vibrant healthy lives and to age in a healthy manner. Because the biggest risk of getting sick and dying is growing old. Our goal at RenovoVita is to help people stay young, live life to the fullest, and prevent illnesses from happening.

A few years after my husband died, Brent and I came together as he was going through a difficult time as well. We decided to go on this venture together of helping people live life to the fullest and always in a positive manner. Our goal is to create a community of people who are like minded and our products help them live a full and happy life.

Over the years, I became more interested in preventative medicine instead of reactive to disease and illnesses. This is how RenovoVita came to be, our products are developed to help you and me prevent future illnesses and to keep us healthy and young, now and in the future!

2. I've read in the past you partnered with a small Continuing Medical Education company that garnered $240,000 in yearly revenue and in no time boosted that to annual revenues of over $28 million while conducting over 50,000 educational programs for physicians… And wow! What's the secret? Were you searching to buy a company at the time? Or it just suddenly fell on your way? Was it luck or a lot of hard work?

My goal was always to own my own company. While I worked for big pharma, I wanted to garner as much experience and knowledge as possible while someone else was paying me a salary. I would ask for extra projects so I could learn more to train me to be able to go off on my own. I've been a serial entrepreneur and find passion in developing a company and growing it to help others live great lives.

3. From joining an existing company to founding your own: RenovoVita. I know you have a partner, right? Did you know Brent Payne before? How did you come out with the idea of creating something together? What was your expectation?

We both have different backgrounds. Mine coming from science and his in personal development. He built a $100M personal development company. Our goal has always been to take our unique backgrounds and blend them into a successful business that benefits others.

4. Still talking about the partnership, do you believe it was easier building a company with the help of a partner?

Absolutely, it is much easier and more fun to have a business partner, then you can bounce ideas off of each other and discuss strategies of where you want the business to go. The more brain power, the better. I have his back and I know he has mine! Behind every successful person/company is a team of support and inspiration to make things possible. By participating together you instantly become way smarter than you ever could be alone, even on our best day.

5. Please, tell us a little bit more about RenovoVita and its promises. How did you come out with the company's concept? What do you believe makes it unique in the middle of so many anti-aging, health and nutrition brands?

RenovoVita is a consumer products company that delivers the latest in whole-body wellness helping people stay vibrant and age healthy through the development of anti-aging, cellular health and regeneration products to our customers in the form of products enhancing youthful wellness of the body, brain and skin.

RenovoVita is positioned at the cusp of a modern science Wellness Initiative, worth a gigantic $249.4B market, focusing on self-healing by activation of our cell's ability to regenerate themselves in the most pristine and youthful form, while replacing aging, damaged or diseased cells.

These products slow the aging process and risks of future health issues. Our products take a new approach to the effects of aging by not only slowing down aging at the cellular level but, reversing it. Utilizing breakthrough technology, from Harvard University the RenovoVita products are way Beyond Vitamins! The suite of complex formulations have been designed to work hand in hand with each other from the inside out and from the outside in, targeting your entire body.

*With-N is the first proprietary blend of science-backed micronutrients optimized to reinvigorate and revitalize cellular regeneration, maximizing whole-body health and keeping you looking great and feeling energized. It increases NAD+ levels, which depletes as we age, with a complex formulation of NMN & 18 additional ingredients. No other product on the market has this many cutting-edge anti-aging ingredients in a single capsule.

*Zero-N, our Brain Health Formula, stimulates brain cells and fires dormant neurons. It is a nootropic compound that helps you think fast, access your memory, and have extreme focus, and total concentration.

*Virg-N is our youth activation serum emulsion concentrate that reduces fine lines and deep wrinkles, improves collagen and elasticity, increases skin tightening, and firmness, and diminishes scar tissue, and dark spots without silicone ingredients. It improves our first line of defense, the skin, from the outside in. No other serum combines this many natural and exotic skin nourishing ingredients into one skin rejuvenating product.

Things that make us unique: Most anti-aging product today don't address aging from a cellular or whole-body wellness approach. Instead they focus on singular ingredient treatments that often only treat the symptoms not the cause.

We take a:
Whole-body cellular approach to anti-aging products that both prevent and diminish the signs of aging at the source - our cells.
We develop product formulations with many ingredients that target cells across the body using high-quality scientifically-backed ingredients.
We are creating a health and wellness community to support, motivate, and educate people about the importance of whole-body wellness.

We are the first cellular health and rejuvenation product line designed to slow and reverse aging at its source. Our products are formulated with the latest breakthroughs in cellular science to enhance body, mind and skin to stay both health and rejuvenated.
With-N - Whole-body cellular health
Zero-N - Cellular brain health
Virg-N - Cellular skin health

6. Now, I've tested the Virg-N serum and one of the things that got me really amazed by it was the amount of ingredients in its formula… How did you find out about all of them? I imagine it was a long research process, right? How long does it take to develop such a well elaborated product like that?

We are excited that you have tried Virg-N and recognize that it is different. We worked on it for 18 months to come up with the exact ingredients we wanted to include and a natural fragrance made from essential oils that would appeal to both women and men. We worked with a formulator who specializes in skin products and we shared our goals and that we wanted our product to be natural and contain certain micronutrients that we wanted to have included so that it worked in conjunction with our product With-N. With-N also helps skin. Skin is our first line of defense against the elements and yet it is the last to get nutrients from what we eat to keep it from drying and wrinkling.

Our goal is always to develop products that are better than anything else that is on the market. To have natural ingredients and to make sure they really work and make a difference in people's lives. We use ingredients that have science behind them. Virg-N has over 30 science-backed micronutrients optimized to defend against the elements and revitalize the skin's cellular regeneration for a more youthful appearance. Virg-N is a unique concentrated emulsion serum, most serums you think of with very few ingredients and very watery. Not Virg-N! No other skin serum combines this many natural and exotic skin nourishing ingredients into one skin rejuvenating product.

We have a line of cellular health products that enable people to maximize whole-body wellness and healthy aging through daily cellular micronutrient supplementation.

7. Could you describe a day in your life? How is it to be a businesswoman in the industry today? Which are the main responsibilities? What are your biggest challenges?

Each day when I wake up, I love to start my day thinking about all of the things/people I am grateful for, then go on a hike or 3-mile walk. I love being outside! I work from home, so then I get my BIG water and sit down at my computer to start working. I have conference calls and work on anything dealing with the science of our products, work with influencers (this is new for us, and I wanted to learn all about it before passing it along to someone else), work on email campaigns, finances, looking for people to rep our products, really anything that needs to be done I am always happy to do whatever it takes!

I would say our biggest challenge is getting our name out there. In a large market, where we are new, it's a challenge to get people to know about us. Once people know about our products, they love them! That has been a fun part about working with influencers because they do not know us personally, but when they try our products and then share about them on social media, that has been gratifying!

8. Any special tips or advice for those just starting out or thinking about founding a beauty brand new company? Is the investment-worthy? What's the future of the skincare industry in your opinion?

I am a big proponent of empowering women and helping them go after their dreams and aspirations no matter what that field is that they are interested in. I am a founding board member of the Women's Collective here in Scottsdale. We are a not-for-profit organization founded to inspire women and help them get a seat at the table and create more women leaders.

Things I believe are important for the future of skincare:

o Inside-out approach like our product With-N
o Anti-inflammatory products
o Natural ingredients
o Skin cell regeneration
o Skin is the first thing we see
o Science-driven products.

9. Do you have exciting future work you could tell us about? What are the plans for RenovoVita? Do you think about launching more products there?

Yes, we definitely have more products in the pipeline!! Products that we have created that will come out in the near future!
Our goal is to create a community of people that we invest in with our time and products. We want our brand to literally get people together and support their goals. We want to have calls and eventually live meetings all about taking personal responsibility for all of our actions, surround ourselves and our customers with people who push each other forward in a powerful way. Just think what is possible if the people surrounding you refuse to let you fail?

10. To finish, thanks again for letting us get to know you a little bit better… Are there any words of wisdom that inspire you to keep always moving forward you'd like to share?

Lessons I have learned in life:

*Surround myself with joyful, happy positive people because that brings out the best in me.

*We may not control everything that happens in our lives, but we are completely in control of our response to it! I say this to my daughter all the time!

*I always try and live my life gratefully. Grateful thinking and a positive mood reduce excessive entitlement. A person who feels entitled to everything will be grateful for nothing. I really live my life this way. I am grateful to have you writing this article about us and our company!

*My goal is to be uniquely me, genuine, grateful, unforgettable, and the best person possible.

For more information about RenovoVita, please check out their pages here:, and

Author: TheRiz

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Linda Baer


Scottsdale, AZ

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