All Press Releases for June 12, 2024

Global Women Investors in Deep Tech Consortium and Impact Investment Fund Launching to Build Inclusive, Diverse Deep Tech Ecosystems

Building Trust and Breaking Barriers for Women Investors in Deep Tech

    DUBAI, UAE, June 12, 2024 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Today we celebrate the formal launch of the Global Women Investors in Deep Tech Consortium and Impact Fund, a pioneering initiative aimed at empowering women investors in the deep tech industry. By combining a global consortium and an impact investment fund, its mission is centered on creating an ecosystem that helps women access financial opportunities and overcome barriers, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment focused on digital trust and equity.

The Consortium is dedicated to augmenting the impact of existing groups by promoting collaboration, networking, and knowledge exchange among women investors. This initiative addresses the unique challenges faced by women in the deep tech sector, offering resources and support to ensure their success and leadership in the industry.

Co-Founder Dr. Jane Thomason stated: "Investing in women deep tech founders isn't just about equity—it's about unleashing untapped potential and driving transformative innovation. When women lead in technology, they bring diverse perspectives that redefine possibilities and fuel a brighter, more inclusive future."

According to Co-Founder Paulina Chotrova, "Empowering women investors in deep tech is vital for fostering an inclusive industry. Our initiative is dedicated to breaking barriers and creating opportunities, ensuring that women have the support needed to lead, innovate, and thrive in this crucial sector."

"Our impact investment fund is designed to offer novel investment instruments that meet the needs of diverse, inclusive deep tech ecosystems. It will focus on supporting women funders and founders. This initiative aligns with global efforts to promote gender equality and support women entrepreneurs in the deep tech industry, said Co-Founder Prof. Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes.

The Global Women Investors in Deep Tech Consortium and Impact Fund is a global initiative designed to empower women investors in the deep tech industry. By combining a global consortium with an impact investment fund, we aim to create an ecosystem that promotes collaboration, networking, and knowledge exchange, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment focused on digital trust and equity.
For more information and learn how to get involved, please visit our website.

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