/24-7PressRelease/ - ATLANTA, GA, August 17, 2008 - Dentures have a bad reputation and most people absolutely dread getting them. That is changing, however, as today's dentures are better fitting, more comfortable, and look like real teeth. State-of-the-art technology, advanced techniques, and new dental materials have combined to create superior dentures that allow you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.
Older dentures relied on impressions alone. Even good impressions have slight imperfections and do not fully take into account the alignment of your bite. The result is a less than perfect fit and dentures that can be pushed out of place or painful because they do not line up properly when you bite down. Common problems with old-style dentures included:
• Denture slipping and rubbing, causing pain
• Lower dentures that float
• Upper dentures that drop
• Difficulty speaking
• Difficulty chewing
• Dentures that need replaced often due to damage or discomfort
Today's dentures rely on more advanced technology to achieve a perfect fit. Computers allow us to take the most accurate measurements and reproduce those measurements and contours with far greater precision.
Advanced techniques
Neuromuscular dentistry has changed the world of dentistry and this includes dentures. Older methods of creating dentures did not give the proper attention to the alignment of your bite and resulted in dentures that may fit when put in place, but do not line up properly when you chew and bite down, causing dentures to be easily pushed out of place when chewing, causing pain, and often resulting in damage to the dentures themselves.
Better materials
We've all seen dentures that look fake. That's how you know they're dentures, right? Today's dentures are made of superior materials that look like natural teeth and gums. The dead, flat look we have come to associate with false teeth is a thing of the past, and new dentures are resistant to staining, so you don't have to change your eating habits. Porcelain interacts with light in the same way as your natural tooth enamel, so your dentures will look real and alive.
No one wants to lose their teeth, but you don't have to be afraid of dentures anymore. Today's dentures fit comfortably and stay in place. They're crafted to have the shape of your natural teeth (or better if your prefer), instead of the old cookie-cutter look, and they have a beautiful natural color and translucency. If you have been living with dental problems and pain because you are avoiding dentures, you can relax. Dentures can help you get back to the way you normally used your teeth before they began to deteriorate.
Learn more about today's advanced dentures. Please Contact Art of the Smile in Atlanta, Georgia today for your personalized cosmetic dentistry consultation.
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