/24-7PressRelease/ - TUCSON, AZ, August 05, 2005 - HitClick owners Avallon DeBrill, Julian Rai, and Courtney Odom announced today that the decision had been made recentely to make the transition from The HitClick Independent Music Network to BandFreaks.Com. This decision also comes with numerous other site changes and fixes to the Band Finder, now growing in popularity.
BandFreaks.Com will provide the same independent music news, independent music reviews, indie band and artist coverage, and the same Band Finder found at HitClick.Net. The change will be completed by August 1st.
"The reasons for the change I feel is obvious," said Julian Rai, part owner of The HitClick Independent Music Network. "BandFreaks is a much more memorable, exciting and catchy identity for what we're doing. It's also easier to remember, which will certainly provide more word-of-mouth advertising. More than that, it actually describes what we're about more than HitClick.Net ever did."
Avallon DeBrill, HitClick owner and site editor had this to say: "Most of our regular visitors have already seen part of the design shift happening over this past week. In eight or nine days, we've completely changed over our look, added a news section, reorganized our site, fixed some flaws we'd been staring at for awhile, and redesigned the band and artist's section. Since the Band Finder concept is still really new, we also added a support domain just for bands to get help, read tutorials, learn how to use the finder and even communicate with other bands about learning and using the Finder. Aside from being a great resource for fans to find new bands on the Internet, BandFreaks is run by musicians, and is also devoted to the "band side" of things: improving functionality of the Finder, providing resources for bands to keep doing what they're doing, and getting bands the promotion and coverage that excites and motivates bands to get better and get 'out there'."
According to DeBrill, the finder works a lot differently than what people are probably used to. "Bands sign up, add their information and a list of keywords that describe their sound, their location, their 'vibe', influences, or anything else they can think up. We try to make it easy for them. When a fan uses the Finder to search for a new band, the tool matches each of the keywords in their search to all of the bands in the Finder and gives them the top bands and artist for their search. You click on the link and go to the artist's website. A lot of bands have been using this to increase plays at their artist pages, too."
"The idea is that a fan can sort of string together all sorts of terms with virtually no limit to how specific they can get," says Courtney O., one of BandFreak's staff music reviewers and part owner of the online franchise, "you can find yourself in a mood for a 'Romantic moody tribal electronic female driven post rock solo artist from queens new york that sounds like Fru Fru and nine inch nails' and use the tool to pin it down. The funny thing is, with all the new bands we've been getting in the Finder, you'll probably find it."
A simple search at HitClick.Net using the finder confirms Courtney's theory -- nearly 213 bands match these terms, including New York's Ailanthus, described as 'Dark industrial infused rock with femme fetale vocals'.
"We're really excited about the transition and the updates," says Rai, "it actually marks a shift in right direction as far as market recognition and growth."
In addition to the band finder, BandFreaks will offer the same daily MP3 singles reviews in every genre, a weekly featured independent band or artist, an active community forum, categorized music links, and other regularly updated content.
Granite Creek is a Virtual Estates firm located in Tucson, Arizona that specializes in developing new concepts for a web market. Granite Creek VEM currently spearheads the movement to popularize and regulate the website sales market, through an online course designed to teach others how to buy and sell Internet property. Granite Creek also manages virtual property for other web companies. Please feel free to contact us at (520) 867-6686 for more information about us or this release.
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