NAPERVILLE, IL, March 14, 2009 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Hi Fred Schwartz here,
Our Team Synergy works Multiple online Income Streams. One of my favorite online activities is Cash Gifting. There is still nothing that I know of that a Newbie or Novice Marketer can generate that kind of Cash flow that fast.
One of the big reason's for the Explosion in the cash-gifting arena is that it levels the playing field. It really shortens the learning curve.
But with the River of People Resonating to the Cash Gifting Arena there are new Cash Gifting Systems being Launched on almost a Monthly bases.
So Here come the Problems. Being a Team Leader I get positions offered to me to Test New Systems. They're hoping we'll like their system and bring our whole team over. I like Stability, I want to work a System long-term that keeps up with the Market.
One New System has been nothing but a COMPLETE TRAIN WRECK! It ONLY ENRICHED the CREATORS with ADMIN Fees...
Other new systems with RIDICULOUSLY Low Starter Tiers... Come on! That's the Kiss of Death for Any System.... PERIOD!
We have experienced FIRST HAND that ANY gifting activity under $500 to start is a MAJOR HASSLE. No real cash generation and attracts LOW quality, NOT serious people and creates HUGE hassles.
We do NOT Recommend Cash Gifting Activities with Levels Below $500. You'll just Spin Your Wheels and Not Generate any Real Cash. Everyone joins at the lowest levels and just stays there. PEANUTS!!!
Here's My Personal and Professional Opinion...
IF YOU DON'T HAVE AT LEAST $800 DOLLARS to invest in Cash Gifting.
You need to Come in at the $500 Tier or Higher and Have at least $300 Dollars for Marketing or your going to FAIL...
But Is Cash Gifting Ethical and Moral?
Good People of High Integrity and Respectable Character will always Shine Positive light on any concept where they Ban Together to Help Others. And the Opposite is also True... low Quality People with No Integrity and Questionable character and intentions will Always Cast a Shadow of Darkness in any Activity or Endeavor Whether it's Ethical or Not.
That is Precisely why I choose to Associate with Good Quality People and will Disassociate with People of Questionable Character as soon as they are identified. Good People use Cash Gifting Activities in Ethical and Moral Ways.
I Pride myself on the FACT that Our Team Synergy is a Great Group of Folks that are like Minded People With Integrity!
How is it that you can give to a person you don't know?
This Question is Asked Often, but when people consider how many different times they have freely given to numerous charities such as the Boys and Girls Clubs, Habitat for Humanity, their local churches and even to friends and relatives to help close real estate transactions, most people quickly come to understand that gifting is a very real and legitimate activity that millions of people already engage in.
Cash Gifting programs just allow people to use that powerful concept to help enrich each other and not only the more professional gifting activities we tend to call "Charities".
The Benefit I've found in Cash Gifting Activities is that when I give to other charitable organizations I'm truly giving to Strangers I most likely will never really meet. In giving between Members in Cash Gifting Programs, I've often Met and Built Great Personal Relationships with Families from all over the World... Yes, the World... That's really the FUN PART!
It's just a Different Paradigm but when people of High Integrity and Character get together to Spread constructive Activities with like-minded people, cash gifting shows up as a Powerful Force for Good in a world where the traditional models past generations in our society have trusted and put their faith in, continue to crumble and fail to deliver the promises made in the past.
Of Course, the Other Side of the Coin is that when Diabolical, and Low Integrity People get involved in Cash Gifting, others Can and Are Hurt. But Bad People Shed Darkness and Negativity in any part of Society including Corporations (Enron, Junk Bonds, Savings & Loans) and real estate scams, politics (scandals, corruption) and every other section of any industrialized economy across the globe.
There are many REAL scammers Right Now Running to the Government for YOU to Bail them out with Tax Dollars...
Cash Gifting COMPLETELY puts financial Power into the Hands of the People. Normal, Everday People from ALL walks of life can share this Simple Concept to Generate Cash.
What we've discovered is the importance of finding and associating with Genuine People of High Integrity and Character that truly are interested in Helping others. This leads to Positive Team Dynamics, and Creation and Building of Mutually Rewarding Friendships.
The main Common Denominator I've found is that the People who are attracted to the various "money making" models are NOT, and have never Really Been Truly Interested in finding a vitamin to sell... or the perfect juice to retail, or the perfect collection of ebooks and software to peddle to their friends and family...
They've never really been REMOTELY interested in truly "SELLING" any so-called "products" put in some Program to Legitimize and Create a "business".
As a matter of fact, most people involved in the Make Money from Home industry are woefully Under Supported and lack any Real Marketing training or Education in Entrepreneurship. It's my Honest Opinion that most of the "Business Programs" or "biz ops" as they are called in the industry are just Faintly Disguised "gifting" programs, only "legitimized" by the Superficial Products that are invented and copied to make them seem like businesses.
The reality is that people are out looking for ways to GENERATE CASH. They want SIMPLE WAYS they can tap into so that they can actually manifest CASH MONEY. That's why Cash Gifting is really growing and Appealing to So Many.
Cash Gifting is Attracting so Many People these Days because it's plain to see that there are so many who have "tried" all the Major Programs only to come to the Conclusion that they are all filled with Hassles.
Cash Gifting has been my Highest Converting Activity Above and Beyond all other more traditional "biz ops". People get tired of the Hassles of Merchant accounts, chargebacks, "excuse products" and peddling grossly overpriced vitamins, juices, ebooks and travel coupons, etc...
Cash Gifting is a Simple Concept that is Actually Accessible by a huge segment of people. Instead of having to pay a set High Figure price to join other "biz ops".
And because it's Pure Cash Gifting, there is no need to "justify" any additional "excuse products" to be able to generate significant amounts of Cash between $500 to $12,000 .
People can give Cash Gifts anywhere in Between as well, so Cash Gifting can be a Realistic way for most people to Utilize Leverage and help themselves by helping others. With the Communication Power and the Leverage of the internet, Cash Gifting Programs are Now Easily Shared between People at the Speed of Email and Online Video.
The Concept is so SIMPLE to Communicate Now with websites that provide appropriate Explanations and Recorded Information Available 24/7 around the world. Properly Structured and Properly explained, Cash Gifting is Growing as a Popular and Powerful Economic Concept that Actually Works.
Tough Times..
In This Tough Economy there is a River of People coming online Looking for ways to make money from home. There are a lot of folks that are in Financial Trouble and need help FAST. They don't want to become Super Online Ninja Marketers. They don't care about Branding Themselves.
They need a Simple System they can Plug into and Start Generating Cash Fast!
We talk with people everyday that are looking for Simple ways to start generating income online but they don't have any Internet Skill Set's. Most can read their email and that's about it!
We Designed the Secret Power System with that in mind. The objective of our System is to walk you Step by Step through your learning curve...
Step One: Is to Make it Totally Automated to get People into Profit Mode as FAST as Possible. You can plug into our Marketing System and myself and other Team Leaders Follow up and Enroll your Prospects for You!
We've Married our Secret Power System with The Peoples Program to utilize the Multiple Streams of Cash Flow Structure. This gives the Team Leaders that are Enrolling Your Prospects, Real Incentive to Go to work for YOU! How SWEET is that!
We've tried Call Back Centers in the past with some success. But by structuring our system with our Highly Skilled Team Leaders doing all the enrolling pushed the Conversion Rates up 800%.
Example: At the $3,500.00 Dollar tier Level. With a $3,500.00 Gift you recieve $2,750.00 and the Team Leader that enrolls your prospect for you gets $750.00 Dollars. At the $500 Dollar tier Level you recieve $400.00 Dollars and the Team Leader recieves $100.00 Dollars.
SIMPLE! It's a Win, Win Situation! It takes YOU Totally out of the Picture!
Next Step: When you join us by sending a Gift you get a position at that level in The Peoples Program and our Team Program. With just a $50 admin fee you get a free website and auto responder and all the Training, Marketing and Video tutorials in the Back Office.
By taking advantage of our Secret Power System we want to get you into profit mode first. That way you can take your time learning how to Market and Promote your own website. Work with your New Teammates on our Marketing and Training Website that is available to you 24/7.
Our Team Marketing and Training website is second to None! We have step-by-step video tutorials that look over your shoulder to take you click by click through the learning Center. This is Exclusive to our Teammates.
For those of You that don't want to Go Past Step One? It's all-Good! lol
When you Join Us! With your Gift at any level you get the Secret Power System CD with Resale Rights and Membership to our Marketing and Training Website with 24/7 access!
Legal Questions? Gone!
The Secret Power System CD has the hold your hand, step-by-step, Free and Paid
Marketing techniques from Master Marketers. It's not some pathetic cheap ebook.
It's state of the art Marketing with all the Ad Copy, Were to Go, How to Do, Step by Step to take you to the next level of 20k or More Per Month!
The Secret Power System combines Old School with the New School and Empowers YOU with the True Power and Leverage of Team Synergy at Your Fingertips.
If your SERIOUS about Generating Massive Cash flow! Team Synergy is for SERIOUS people who like attracting Quality people who are Truly Motivated to Succeed BIG & FAST. If your looking to Generate a Serious Cash Flow... You'll love Our Team!
This Cash Flow Opportunity is HIGH END and LUCRATIVE!
Our Team Gifting levels are $250, $500, $1,000, $1,500, $3,500 and $5,500.
The $3500 Tier is the REAL SWEET SPOT for FOLKS that are SERIOUS about Generating Massive Cash flow!
If you're Serious About learning How to Generate Cash Flow from Home using the Internet and Cash Gifting, I'd suggest getting fully informed about the Power of Team Synergy and see if we're a Good Fit???
~ Our Secret Training Weapon ~
When You Join Team Sysnergy, You Will Get Access To Our Private Members Website That Will Help You Market Effectively. We Will Share With You Our Jealously Guarded JEWELS of "REAL" Advertising Resources.
This is the most exciting part. When you become our teammate, you'll get access to the most powerful Marketing and training site that you can have access to 24Hrs a day... 7 days a week. Inside this Private Members Website we'll share with you the very best Paid and Free Advertising Resources that money can buy! It took our Teammates over 8 years and a bunch of money to find these reputable and reliable companies that'll virtually guarantee your success with this system!
It took years, thousands of hours and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to find the right tools, services and promotions that generate MASSIVE TRAFFIC TO YOUR SITE FREE.
This is not some lame eBook written by "some writer" or "some hired clever copywriter" that never made a penny on the Internet. This is our real, uncut, unaltered system and training files with all the knowledge on which my career and income depends on.
The reason EVERYONE that applies these strategies sees success is very simple...
We will show you exactly How, Where, and What To Say Word For Word in all of your advertising!
You'll get access to all the time-tested proven ads that are generating a very nice SIX FIGURE income. You'll copy everything we do... step by step... without reinventing the wheel. Virtually everything's been done for you.
No more guesswork involved. Nobody else has this kind of inside marketing information... NOBODY! This Private Members Site is truly amazing!
STAYING EDUCATED and applying additional marketing knowledge that works will help you in the long run in becoming financially free, even in these tough times!
You'll discover what works and what doesn't, and how to turn the Internet into a never ending river of money in ANY ECONOMY!
This alone is worth a Fortune...
As our teammate you'll have access to all of it. You will receive:
1. A private login website with "our guarded secrets" on how to drive massive traffic to your website.
2. ALL our promotional materials: Ads, emails, sales letters, etc.
3. Latest marketing techniques and Internet "stay up to date" info.
4. Ongoing flow of money making information, sent to you by email.
This is a preview:
* How to advertise free in thousands of article directories and web site directories.
* The top list with the best free and low cost classified web sites.
* How to use free and paid press releases and articles to rank on the front page of Google and generate a traffic frenzy immediately.
* Paid and FREE traffic generation that works.
* How to beat the competition in Google pay-per-click and pay pennies for clicks instead of dollars.
* How to use forums and social media sites to generate FREE, highly qualified leads.
* The free and paid software pieces I use to run our entire business.
* The free and paid services I use to operate our business.
* The secret of advertising on Craig's list without getting kicked out.
* Plus much, much more. Too much to list here.
Team Synergy's Private Members Site is Truly Amazing!
The best thing about our System is that it works for everyone who applies themselves! We've used our years of expertise Offline and Online to Create the Secret Power System so
that it will work for anyone...
Plus, don't forget you have access to our own personal system and training. The same information that's generating a multiple-six figure income and giving my wife and I a free, wealthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
Are you ready to become a successful entrepreneur? Or will you remain a wanna-preneur sitting on the sideline, waiting for the perfect moment that never comes? The perfect moment is now.
It has been Our pleasure to share this with you. Our goal is to help as many people financially as we possibly can and I hope that you will do the right thing for you and your family. If you have financial difficulties in your life, this simple system can Help! We look forward to talking to you, answering any questions that you might have and sharing our Team Synergy.
Our Team Is Here To Help YOU!
This Activity Can Change Your Life!
We want to get you into Profit Mode ASAP.
Call Now! We can Help!
We love Simple Systems...
Create a Great Day!
Fred & Lia Schwartz
Make Money with Staggering Simplicity...
PS. Team Synergy has been a Wonderful Gift to Us...
These folks aren't just teammates, we've made a lot of Great Friends.
Fred Schwartz
People Helping People and
Families Helping Families Prosper...
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Contact Information
Fred Schwartz
Team Synergy LLC
Naperville, Illinois
Telephone: 630-240-1829
Email: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website