/24-7PressRelease/ - PHOENIX, AZ, November 10, 2005 - "With Dahn Yoga, I'm convinced I'll live to be 150 and my kids are worried sick." That's the humor of Bea Sheridan of Albuquerque, New Mexico whose new passion is yoga. A registered nurse for 48 years, Bea also holds a doctorate degree in Counseling and Health Education.
Having a strong belief in self responsibility and naturopathic medicine, this 68 year old mother of three grown children has never carried health care insurance. Instead, she has always sought natural means of healing.
It was at a Deepak Chopra seminar where she spotted a booth for Dahn Yoga. Chopra is widely acknowledged as one of the world's greatest leaders in the field of mind body medicine. The Dahn Yoga booth there offered aura readings - the electromagnetic field surrounding objects. Some people refer to this field as a bio-energy field. "My aura reading was right on in terms of who I am and it compelled me to look into Dahn Yoga class offerings in my neighborhood."
"I went into my first Dahn Yoga session not having a clue what I was walking into, and found it was purposeful, and flowed in a way that made sense to me. The goal is to center yourself, to make you aware of how you can be healthy, and to create a sense of well-being. It has totally changed my life," said Sheridan.
Dahn Yoga (sometimes referred to as Dahn Hak or Dahnhak) began as an ancient Korean training program to educate the population on how to develop both the mind and the body. "Dahn" means energy, vitality, and origin of life, and "Hak" means study, philosophy, and theory. Dahn Yoga practitioners learn how to listen to their bodies, rest their minds, and become more reflective and calm. Improved relationships with family and the community, and the spread of love, are the outcome.
Starting the classes earlier this year, Sheridan says her body has firmed up, she feels good and still works as a registered nurse. She is working on second book, Medical Myths: A Registered Nurse Tells You What the Medical Professional Doesn't Want You to Know. Medical Myths encourages readers to examine their approach to health, wellness and wellbeing while challenging them to rethink traditional opinions long held about the inevitability of sickness and disease. She believes that western medicine typically masks symptoms with pharmaceuticals rather than treating the true cause of the problem within the body.
She has some personal experience in this area. Ten years ago Sheridan herself was diagnosed with Lupus. While her physician wanted her to take prescription drugs, she refused. "My doctor was very frustrated with me," she noted. Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can target your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart and lungs. Sheridan instead read everything she could about the disease and began experimenting with different natural treatments. Three years later she was pain free and healthier than she had been in years. Today, she shows no sign of the disease.
Her interest in Dahn Yoga is a way for Sheridan to continue her lifetime pursuit of natural healing and optimum health. "It has created in me a true sense of who I am, and it has given me the confidence to celebrate who I am," she noted.
"I am confident that I will be healthy for the rest of my life," she reflected.
For information on Dahn Yoga, visit http://www.dahnyoga.com or phone toll free 1-877-HSP-YOGA. For information on Sheridan's new book, visit http://www.medmyths.com.
The Moyer Group Public Relations represents Dahn Yoga,a holistic program that promotes a healthy body, a healthy family, a healthy community and a healthy world. Additional information on the program offerings are available on the Internet at http://www.dahnyoga.com.
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Martha Moyer
The Moyer Group Public Relations
Phoenix, Arizona
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