6 total news stories found.
2024-06-22 | Alternative Payments merchants now have access to PIX - real-time, secure payments in Brazil - with the launch of DPMaxBrazil. A companion product to their existing DPMax Open Banking platform.
2024-06-22 | Casey Bloys, HBO Max Executive, transforms the streaming landscape, redefining HBO Max's legacy with strategic vision and innovative content, positioning the platform as a dominant force in the competitive world of digital entertainment.
2024-06-22 | The Winkler Lowy Foundation supports the "Israel at Heart" program at Reichman University.
2024-06-22 | Offering readers knowledge, wisdom, and a greater understanding of the world we live in.
2024-06-22 | McMaster deftly weaves WWII in Ukraine, coming of age, antisemitism, forbidden marriage, PTSD, and substance abuse into a masterpiece of a novel that delivers a breathtaking story of love, courage, and sacrifice.
2024-06-22 | All the books in the Empire of Israel series have received rave reviews and have achieved bestseller status.