7252 total news stories found.
2022-03-25 | A new study published in Preventive Medicine Reports (2022) tested the single-session InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program for improving multiple health behaviors among United States college students.
2022-03-25 | New solution from Confirmed uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to save on-the-go pros and consumers big dollars
2022-03-24 | Jack Armstrong, founder of Cosmic 'X' art, will donate 50% of proceeds in a rare art sale.
2022-03-24 | Rapid expansion has necessitated a new name for SpotterRF which aligns with expanded goals and offerings of the company.
2022-03-24 | The very essence of the heart of the greatest grandmother as mother Earth penetrates by way of divine love.
2022-03-23 | The New Jersey Youth Symphony will donate 25% of its proceeds from the 2022 Playathon event to Doctors Without Borders for their efforts in Ukraine. This will be the organization's second fundraiser for Ukraine this month.
2022-03-23 | The new crypto-based platform was developed to leverage the unique advantages of decentralized finance to create simple, dependable digital banking procedures
2022-03-22 | HWPL's 6th Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and the Cessation of War (DPCW), with a heightened theme of 'Institutionalizing Peace,' builds on the cooperation of all global citizens in accepting the universal mission of sustainable peace
2022-03-22 | Fenix ultra-bright rechargeable bicycle light BC26R features 1600 lumens output.
2022-03-19 | Breakthrough Throat & Nasal Swabs to fight COVID-19 pandemics
2022-03-18 | Supporting Ukraine, all of the proceeds from the gala's silent auction -- $8,865 – was donated to Doctors Without Borders.
2022-03-17 | Esteemed educator, author and political commentator, Barbara Taber, Ed.D., has unveiled the latest episode of her acclaimed 'Take It Or Leave It' podumentary series.
2022-03-16 | At least 50% of profits will go to charities & non-profits promoting anti-hate and tolerance for others.
2022-03-16 | Empowered Flower Girl launches course for mentors, role models and other youth advocates
2022-03-16 | Holding an AV Preeminent Rating, he has also been honored as Lawyer of the Year in Family Law in Miami
2022-03-16 | A leader and pioneer in aviation, Ms. Wilson is a longtime member of Women in Aviation International
2022-03-16 | Mr. Roberts most recently excelled as fire chief of the Austin Fire Department until retiring in 1994
2022-03-16 | Dr. Iverson has conducted studies on signal detection, as well as memory, vision and statistical decision making
2022-03-16 | Ms. Turner has dedicated herself to ensuring that the rights of American voters are protected at the polls
2022-03-16 | Ms. Stephens has excelled as an entrepreneur and business owner since 2011