2261 total news stories found.
2008-09-19 | She received the Design Award from Indiana University.
2008-09-19 | She volunteers at 87.7FM radio station.
2008-09-18 | Real Estate Agent and Mortgage Broker Serving Southeast Florida
2008-09-18 | Dr. Bahhouth has presented papers at many conferences and his work has been recognized internationally with several research awards.
2008-09-18 | She is focusing on becoming a licensed Laboratory Technician level II and III.
2008-09-18 | Mr. Alfkin volunteers for the Native American Tribal Organizations.
2008-09-18 | He is a two-time recipient of the Coach of the Year Award from the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association.
2008-09-18 | His professional accomplishments include creating two programs in Missouri and Kansas and introducing the first regional HHW program in the Midwest.
2008-09-18 | Honored with the David Brady Award, Ms. Kwiatek attributes her success to her flexibility, open-mindedness and love for challenges.
2008-09-18 | She received several awards and incentive trips for achieving her targets.
2008-09-18 | Ms. Hickey is a recipient of the H. Kelley Psychology Department Award and the National Alliance on Mental Illness Appreciation Award.
2008-09-18 | She sits on the leadership advisory board of the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio.
2008-09-17 | Mr. Gread is a recipient of the Twenty-Year Service Anniversary Honor Token, the Employee Choice Award and the Department Award.
2008-09-17 | Ms. Lauby is responsible for assisting in surgery, overseeing the care of surgical patients, the sick animal ward, and organizing "Second Chance" shelter animal adoption programs which focuses on recovered sick cats.
2008-09-17 | After a successful 28-year career in sales and marketing, Ms. Stiles joined forces with notable wedding photographer Robin Buckley to launch the out-of-the-box websites.
2008-09-07 | Building client relationships is key for small business and not for profit groups such as hospitals. In today's difficult economy, email marketing helps them do so while protecting, and even growing, their bottom line. A free one-hour telephone seminar introduces the basics.
2008-09-07 | Navis Pack & Ship, a franchise company that packs and ships electronics equipment, artwork, machinery and other fragile, large, awkward or valuable (FLAV) items, has opened in the Philadelphia Metro area.
2008-09-06 | Microsoft Dynamics GP or Great Plains has a Modifier, that you can change the appearance of GP windows, add new or hide data fields or controls to the windows, make changes that affect the entire interface.
2008-08-25 | Changes in the online auction industry are helping OLA.com to grow.
2008-08-19 | Teachers looking for Corporate Social Responsibility Case Studies for students can now find detailed case studies at www.bizcs.co.nz.